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Annie Template 01


The more opposing ideas, the better the discussion. No need to agree or align

Fostering productive discussions

Embrace Curiosity: Shift from "winning" the argument to genuine curiosity about the other person's perspective. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to understand, not just to respond.
Challenge Assumptions: After discovery, the team has identified various sides' positions. Now, gently challenge underlying assumptions and biases to unearth potential blind spots.
Seek Common Ground: Look for areas of agreement, even if small. Building bridges early sets a positive tone for navigating disagreements.
Reframe & Revoice: Instead of attacking opposing viewpoints, try reframing them in your own words to ensure understanding. This fosters trust and clarifies communication.
Acknowledge Emotions: Discussions can evoke strong feelings. Acknowledge them, validate them, and then refocus on the core issues.
Embrace Silence: Don't feel pressured to fill every pause. Silence can be a powerful tool for reflection, allowing deeper thought before responding.
Be Willing to Change Your Mind: New information or perspectives can lead to growth. Be open to adjusting your stance based on the discussion's progress.
Focus on Solutions: Once areas of agreement are identified, explore solutions together.
Celebrate Differences: Recognize that diverse viewpoints enrich discussions. A good discussion isn't about everyone agreeing, but about respectful exploration of different ideas.
Embrace Probabilities: When faced with uncertainty, explore the probability of different outcomes. This helps stakeholders make informed decisions even with incomplete information.

Joseph Joubert:
“The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.”

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Two way to bring together the input of the team:

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