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1. JD of [Position] (Example) Template
1. JD of [Position] (Example)

1.2. Concrete Duties Expected


Always foretell with reasons / objectives for every task so that the person understand the impact and the consequence

Concrete Duties (example AM of Home Team)
Job duty
Ensure operation is running smoothly to assist Manager to achieve team target
Fulfil matching rate KPI through
1) Operation 日常營運
R+2 operation (Daily: 開單/對單, Monthly: 月尾結數)
Arrange roster monthly (最終Roster以經理核實為準,當中Roster需要確保日常營運正常及不影響達到目標)
Commission calculation monthly (必須準時計算正確的提成,確保HR 部門運作順利,最終確保同事對公司有良好印象)

2) Relationship
Deliver the updated policy and guideline from the company to CL (確保公司政策得以傳遞至清潔人員,減少配對失敗,及改善工作人員的清潔質素)
Maintain ‘Big captain program’ (collect CL comment, summarise and report to manager, maintain members in & out record)
Maintain CL WhatsApp group (keep check inactive CL remove from group, add new members to group if any)

3) Training & Monitoring
Provide training to VC, establish training materials (確保下屬的配對單量高,確保公司配對率及至優良標準)
Monitor VC performance & matching rate
Ensure daily cleared Follow-up tickets from CS team (if any)

4) Quality Control
Maintain CL & vendor bad behaviour record
Handle complaints with CS, deal with CL if any emotion
Ensure your subordinates are able to achieve company required targets
Your subodinates KPI and targets
1) Matching
R+2 Daily operation
Follow-up with CL reschedule requests & communicate with client to confirm new time
Follow-up tickets from CS team (if any)

2) Relationship
Deliver the clear updates from the company to CL
Maintain service quality issue & educate CL
Strictly follow blacklist SOP [get rid of poorly performance CL]
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