Review Rating
{Provide a list of all locations with an average review score of less than 4.0}
{What city has the lowest average review score?} (TS)
{Which city has the highest average review score for the month of July?} (TS) - Time series requires review data analysis
Listing Health
{Provide a list of all locations with a health score under 60}
{What individual listing detail, if updated would help improve my health score the most} (TS)
{Provide a list of all locations without a description}
Lat & Long
{Provide a list of all locations missing the latitude and longitude}
{Show a list of all locations in Scotland. Present them in a 3-column table of StoreCode, Location Name, and full address} {Make this available as a .csv file}
Additional Categories
Which listings are missing additional categories?
My Primary category is X, what are other relevant additional categories can I apply to X? (TS)
Show me all of the listings that do not have the Contactless Payment attribute listed? (TS)
Which of my listings has the in-store pickup attribute applied? (TS)
Which of my listings has social media place page URLs assigned? (TS)
Apply contactless payment attribute to all listings (TS)
Website Link
Show a list of all the listings that are without a Primary website link applied (TS)
Update my attributes section to all of my listings by adding the [Social Media] URL (TS)
Add the reservation provided URL to all listings (TS)
Replace the Primary Website with new UTM tracking parameters provided: (TS)
Multi Source Questions
Sources, Completeness
{Which GBP listings don’t have both an Apple and a Google Public listing}
{Show me all of my listings that have a Google Public source that is older than 30 days} (TS)
{Create a list of locations without a review in the last 30 days} (TS)
{Show me the top 10 listings with the lowest health score} (TS)
Sources, Validation
{Which listings don’t have the same regular hours (holidays, address, etc}
Reputation Management
Reporting & Analysis
{Take a look at the content of all the reviews from last month. Provide a summary of the overall content and then three prominent positive points and three prominent negative points}
Sentiment Scoring
{Looking at the reviews from just last month, create a chart that shows the top 10 sentiment topics by volume with a distribution of the sentiment scores for each one}
{Looking at all the reviews from this year by location, aggregated for each one monthly, which three locations are seeing the most improvement month over month, and which three locations are seeing the biggest rating score drops}
Reputation Management, Control
{Find all the 5-star reviews last week that don’t yet have a response, present a list}. {Present a brief but topically related response to each review and present the review and response in the table. Include a number for each review/response paid} {Update the response to #4 to say “….”}. {Publish responses to Google for each of these 32 reviews}
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