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HELM Commands

To see all the repository in HELM added to our current system:
helm repo list
Adding a repository
helm repo add bitnami(repository name) url)
Remove a repository
helm repo remove bitnami(repository name)
Searching for particular charts
helm search repo mysql(searching for mysql charts in repo added to helm)
To search in artifact hub instead of repo like bitnami ( )
helm search hub nginx(This will search in artifact hub of helm)
To see all the deployments done using helm
helm list
deploying redis using helm
helm install my-redis bitnami/redis --version 18.4.0
get status of a deployment
helm status my-redis(deployment name)
To check in a particular namespace
helm status my-redis(deployment name) -n redis(namespace name)

To validate resources before deployment in helm
helm install -n database --values MariaDb_CustomValues.yml my-mariadb bitnami/mariadb --version 11.4.0 --dry-run ( --dry-run option: This will execute the first four stages of deployment workflow but not execute the last stage)
The above can be used to verify before deployment to check all the resources that will be deployed and verify the same.

The same can be achieved using helm template command but with helm template the yaml files generated can be directly deployed using k8s but with —dry-run the templates obtained might not be deployable with k8s.
helm template -n database --values MariaDb_CustomValues.yml my-mariadb bitnami/mariadb --version 11.4.0

Getting values of a deployment with respect to a particular revision using helm
helm get values my-mariadb -n database --revision 1
This will provide the list of all the user supplied values.

To get manifest of a deployment with respect to a particular revision
helm get manifest my-mariadb -n database --revision 1

To check history
helm history my-mariadb -n database
The above command will give all the revisions of my-mariadb in database namespace
To get details of a particular revision
helm get values my-mariadb -n database --revision 1

Rollback in helm
helm rollback my-mariadb 1(Revision no to rollback back to) -n database

Uninstalling a deployment but keeping the secrets intact
helm uninstall -n database my-mariadb --keep-history

Upgrading deployments in helm
helm upgrade my-mysql(Deployment Name) bitnami/mysql --version 9.4.2 --set image.pullPolicy="always" --wait --timeout 20m
If the above upgrade is not successful then the deployment will fail with —wait but if want helm to automatically rollout to previously successful deployment instead of failing we can use —atomic
helm upgrade my-mysql(Deployment Name) bitnami/mysql --version 9.4.2 --set image.pullPolicy="always" --atomic

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