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Welcome & Instructions

We know that optimizing your guests experience can make all the difference as an Airbnb host, and we want to help you do just that!

By sharing an awesome and interactive list of local recommendations with your guests, you can massively enhance their experience, keep your own recs organized and updated, pre-empt questions from guests, and have a list that you can share with friends too! Watch your host rating skyrocket!
Here’s an example of the finished product:
Once published, you can also keep track of views and copies of your doc to see how effective it is!

Sound good? Brilliant! Here’s how to get started:

First make a copy of this doc by hitting the Copy doc button at the top of the page.
Then simply fill in the section with all your recommendations’ details, and all the other sections in this doc will automatically update with tailored views of your recs. You can also add recs in the tailored sections, and they will automatically be included in the database table. There are more specific instructions on the database page if you want to get creative and customize a bit.
Then jump to the page to see what your guests will see first, and personalize your introduction to them.

Looks great! Ready to share your guide?

Once you’ve updated everything, and you’re happy with your content follow these simple steps:
Clean up the doc for public consumption.
delete this instructions page: just hover over “Welcome & Instructions” icon on the left, and click the ellipsis to see the option to do that.
hide the database section: just hover over the “Database” icon on the left, and click the ellipsis to see the option to do that. To unhide, hover over the “New page” section and click the ellipsis to see the option to do that.
make sure the content on the is personalized and clean!
Publish the doc so you can share it.
Click the share icon on the top right corner of this doc, and choose the publish tab.
Decide how interactive you want your guide to be:
Play/View options: viewers can only view or play with the doc, and not make any permanent changes. They won’t need a coda account (free or otherwise) to interact. Guests can look at and review your suggestions, and copy the doc if they want to take advantage of making their own to do list.
if you choose this option - you should remove the view and delete the voting column from the database table.
Edit option: this is much more interactive and allows your guests to add to the doc (you can lock certain sections though) so that you can crowdsource ideas, and let guests vote on your recommendations. Guests will need a coda account to edit, and there is a risk that some may make changes you don’t want them to (but you can always correct that with version history).
Include the link in your Airbnb posting or your welcome message to guests!

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.