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Profitable Course Guide for Teachable Instructors

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Profile your Audience

Use this questionnaire to help profile your audience.
Copied from “” by Dan Kennedy.
Get to know your audience
Question 1
What keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up in their esophagus, eyes open?
Question 2
What are they afraid of?
Question 3
What are they angry about? Who are they angry at?
Question 4
What are their top 3 daily frustrations?
Question 5
What trends are occurring and will occur in their business or lives?
Question 6
What do they secretly, ardently desire the most?
Question 7
Is there a built-in bias to the way they make decisions? (example: engineers = exceptionally analytical)
Question 8
Do they have their own language?
Question 9
Who else is selling something similar to them, and how?
Question 10
Who else has tried selling them something similar and how has the effort failed?
What keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up in their esophagus, eyes open?

➡️ Answered all the questions? Time to create your curriculum.

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