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Craft Party with Pinterest and Eventbrite

Bring event ideas and planning into one place.
You can go out to a restaurant or a bar with friends any night but sometimes you want to do something more unique. Crafts are my jam and I love sharing the experience with friends. It can take some time planning through to make sure that craft nights go off without a hitch.
Here's a template that helps make it a little more pain free.
As a bonus, I structured this template so you can raise a little $$ for a non-profit.

How to Use

The best way to use this doc is to fill in the template from "Overall Event Planning" to "After the Event" and use the pieces that are helpful to you. To facilitate some parts (project ideation, invite management, social media tracking), we bring external data into Coda from the following sources via (see for more details):




Table Of Contents
Overall Event Planning
Activity Planning
After the Event

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