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Hadar's Product Interviewing Toolkit
Hadar's Product Interviewing Toolkit

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Behavioral / Leadership

Not me. Us. Align on frameworks, not specifics. Be vulnerable about mistakes/learnings.

What they're looking for

Can you build a team and motivate them around the mission of the company and team?
Can you develop and align everyone around frameworks for prioritization and execution that make the team productive and high-morale?
Does your team clearly understand the goals and the impact of the team?
Does your team always know what the most important things to work on are?
When conflict arises, how do you approach resolving it?
Humility, ownership, and team-orientedness

Types of questions you may be asked here

What are you working on learning / getting better at now?
Tell me about one of your past accomplishments you're most proud of
Tell me about a time you really messed up and what you learned
Tell me about a time you had to resolve a big conflict with some teammates
If I called your past manager and asked for praise / areas of improvement, what would they say?
Tell me about a time you had to get something done with insufficient resources

How to approach these

Prepare stories that serve as great examples of the above topics
Rehearse them. Be able to explain them in a couple minutes
When possible, stick to either one or concise concepts

👉 Next up:

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