What is Performance Accountability

Who(m) do we serve?
What is the action’s intended impact?
How would we know if this action worked?
What is the intended impact?
How would we know if anyone is better off as a result?
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What is the quality of the action?
What’s the story behind the data?
Revisit the root cause analysis. Even when we select actions that we think will get at a root cause, we need to review what happens at the performance level and ask “why”. This is the difference between perpetuating systemic failures to address racially disproportionate outcomes and disrupting them.
Who are the partners with a role to play with this action?
What works to have greater (greatest) impact?
Equity requires community insight. Ensure community leaders are in the room for data reviews and root-cause analysis to ground-truth perceived impacts of our action and potential unintended consequences of success, e.g., gentrification.
What are the next steps?

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