Guaranteed Ride Home Program

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Guaranteed Ride Home Program

Provides commuters who regularly take transit with a FREE and reliable ride home when one of life’s unexpected emergencies arise.


Offer employees an alternate commuting option for emergency scenarios

Use Case

GRH programs acts as a safety net for non-driving commuters to be able to get home as quickly as possible during an emergency and conveniently using a preferred mode of transportation. Eligible trips typically include medical emergencies, unexpected overtime, early departure of a carpool driver, or bike damage on the way home from work.

Current Challenges

The current process is extremely lengthy and manual
Users are required to submit a form to get reimbursed for their guaranteed ride
Approval process can take months to complete!

Suggested flow

User fills out a survey with details on their trip
drop off
reason for trip
Upon completion of the survey the user has access to a free TnC offer (taxi, uber, lyft)
User calls for the ride and uses the coupon to pay for the offer
TnC offer is hidden once it gets redeemed
User can repeat this process to get up to 8 free rides per year
additional ideas - Wellness Check:
Implement a feature that prompts the user to confirm they've arrived safely at their destination.
If no response is received, trigger a follow-up process for employee safety?
Remaining GRH Voucher count? Educational campaigns surrounding program guidelines
Coupon Expiration Notifications

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