Unable to save campaign if its a featured campaign due to UI position!
Unable to create campaign if the feature UI position is taken. Does not relay which UI positions are available or allow me to reorder the positions
Campaign creation (segment rules)
Ability to change certain attributes of a campaign per segment
Translations do not get carried over when you duplicate a campaign
Transaction filter
Not straightforward on what should be entered in this field to target specific tickets/activation times
Lack of confidence before publishing campaigns
Once campaigns are created there is no way to preview what campaigns would look like before they go live for each segment
Statuses are confusing
live vs active? inactive vs expired?
Difficult to find campaigns would be nice to have default filters
Example: Trying to understand why points earned increase and want to find campaigns that were live last month and the month prior
Active dates
Times are entered in UTC? Difficult to translate to the markets timezone each time a campaign is created
Search doesn’t work
Tried to search for a campaign by the ID but got no results
General segment
Campaigns for new users that join rewards are setup to exclude the set segments and thus don’t have a true segment created for tracking purposes.
Duplicating streaks
No option to duplicate
Multi-behavior campaigns
Create a single ride and earn campaign for multiple modes rather than having a separate ride and earn campaign for each mode of transit