. Please arrive a little early. Arrive with your act fully prepared and rehearsed - music/lyrics/lines are memorized, have your track cued up on your device, have your instruments/equipment assembled and tuned, etc.
All acts must be school-appropriate.This includes language, attire, and choreography/movements/gestures.
You should prepare and present a minimum of 2 minutes of your selection. You will be expected to limit your audition to 4 minutes. You will be stopped after 4 minutes so that we can stick to the audition schedule. If selected for the show, you will present the entire selection. Selections for the performance should generally be no longer than 5-6 minutes.
Lyric Sheets
If you are performing a selection that contains sung or spoken words, you must bring a printed copy of the lyrics to the audition.
Please do not attempt to audition without some sort of accompaniment.
An accompanist will not be provided; therefore, if you will need musical accompaniment, you are responsible for bringing a backing track on a phone, CD, MP3 player, or bring a pianist with you. If using a recorded accompaniment, make sure that you have the instrumental/karaoke version of the song (without the lead vocals; background vocals are OK) and that you have thoroughly tested the key of the song to fit in your vocal range.
Final Points
All acts selected to perform for the final performance must be academically eligible to perform at the time of the show. This means that you must have passed all non-exempt courses on the 3rd Nine-Weeks Report Card or you will regain at the progress report later this month.