Saved Search Sharing
Admin users can now create a Shared Saved Searches for certain members of their teams to review. This expands the existing individual Saved Search functionality by giving management the ability to show their team members what is important. This is primarily a building-block feature that will enable Custom Audits, however, Saved Shared Searches could be for new employee reviews, discount reviews, or specific location reviews.
User email and Userpilot announcement are WIP.
Systems Health Dashboard | Drive-thru monitoring
An additional module has been added to the Systems Health Dashboard for Drive-thru Analytics. Savi employee will be able to see:
Devices marked as being “Unhealthy” Uptime % (Percentage of events over the last 48 hours that are considered acceptable) Complete % (Percentage of events that have both and enter and exit in the last 48 hours) Accurate % (Percentage of events that have have an enter & exits, and have dwell times greater than 3 seconds) Valid dwells % (Percentage of event that have dwells greater than 3 seconds)
Please note that for the external release, we softened the criteria and only show unhealthy locations if we aren’t receiving data at all or more than 40% of dwells are incomplete.
Toast Transaction ID Updated
Users that had a Toast POS integration were unable to search by “Order Number” which was the value to users use to search for transactions in admin.
We’ve updated the “Transaction ID” filter so that they can now use the order number, which is also shown on the receipts as “Display ID.
White labeling
We can now hard-custom styling (white labeling) for different brands and partners. This currently needs to be applied by engineering, but we’ll be adding UI in the future to allow users to change those settings.
Right now, this has only been applied for Marcos.
Update events filter menu
The filters menu in the Events page has had the UI updated. This has an icon/label pairing for each options and makes it easy for users to see what filter options are available in a single area.
Update Savi Logo
The Savi logo has been updated on the navigation bar to be more consistent with the primary logo that we use.
Display “No results found” message on Events page
We added a simple message to the events page to make it clear when no results are found based on the search criteria.
Hyperlink to admin on Systems Health map
When using the Systems health dashboard, internal users can now click on the name of location from the map pin to be taken to the corresponding location in admin.
Mobile UI updates
Add margin to bottom of mobile navigation Remove audits from mobile Update support link on mobile Improve load times on mobile