Santa Clara

San Jose

June 1, 2022 Community Meeting (on Zoom) - Housing Strategies
Gave brief overview of what HE is and then dived into timeline and AFFH
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approx. 800 respondents
higher income over-represented in survey respondents
most 30-69 years old
52% white
5 draft goals
1. an abundant and affordable housing stock
2. sufficient housing for people experiencing homelessness
3. housing stability and opportunities to build wealth for all residents
4. healthy, thriving neighborhoods with access to good jobs, schools, transportation, and other resources
5. racially and socially inclusive neighborhoods that overcome past and present discrimination
My comment focused on:
Implement permit streamlining for new housing that exceeds current inclusionary and sustainability requirements.
Expand green construction training and apprenticeship programs to grow the local pool of skilled labor and reduce construction costs.
Increase heights and remove restrictions on density in non fire severity areas where existing or new high-capacity transit is planned to encourage housing and the creation of mixed-use corridors.
Lots of comments about “what about water!!??”

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