Contra Costa


February 15, 2022: GPAC Meeting Housing Sites Inventory - Karen
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Brought a new person representing Acalanes and Happy Valley → this is an extremely wealthy area of Lafayette
Sarah Blumenfeld
Has not finished site review
Thinking about creating smaller sites and to determine true yield to satisfy buffer
Mentioned IL meeting and presentation with Jon Wizard
No action in regards to HE tonight just conversation and presentation
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Currently in 45 day draft EIR public review
Consultants are ESA
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Next Steps
3/1 GPAC Meeting 3 to talk about sites in light of DEIR
3/7 PC meeting to take public comments on DEIR
3/15 GPAC Meeting 4 to vote on opportunity sites
4/4 DEIR public comment period ends

February 9, 2022: Lafayette Housing Element Endgame: General Meeting Inclusive Lafayette - Karen
Approx. 23 participants
Mayor Candell came...
General overview of HE
1123 housing built during time as a city
Mostly single family home
Housing prices increased 400% in past 20 years or so
More growth this RHNA cycle
Jon Wizard from YIMBY law spoke on state laws
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Need more infrastructure AND density to PRESERVE small town charm
No density means more traffic and longer commute times to get to city centers
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Requires diligent public outreach > what does this mean?
Fair distribution of sites
More than what is just required
Integrate and create opportunities
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January 6, 2022: Meeting with Jeremy from Inclusive Lafayette - Karen and Sadie
Where is Lafayette in the process right now in relation to both the General Plan and the Housing Element?
What is Inclusive Lafayette’s current capacity, engagement, and advocacy strategy?
What are the major issues you see with their current drafts, community engagement, etc?
What other jurisdictions are you looking to get involved in?
How can we collaborate?
youth focused workshop?
collaborate on presenting to youth and getting youth engaged?
playbook presentation?
gave a brief overview of our HE work and our engagement with CCC CAP

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