Contra Costa

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Oct 20, 2021: Housing Element Town Hall - Megan (EBHO) + Karen
Housing Element Town Hall, 6PM
Around 40 in attendance, they held a previous in-person town hall with 17 attendees. This felt very organized, they did a good job of introducing the material to the room and catering to different levels of experience with the housing element/RHNA
Appreciate that they acknowledge that the HE covers both now & the future -- and that it is a plan
Many questions were answered with “it is too early to tell” - such as the city’s rezoning but it was made clear that his was just one of many community engagement opportunities to come.
They did a good job of answering all questions, and circling back through the meeting (both verbal and written Q’s in the chat) - felt responsive.
Did several polls on zoom (answers in order)
Top priorities in new housing in concord
Affordable rental units
Affordable for sale units
Unsheltered homeless
Barriers to AH in concord
High development costs (land/construction)
Community opposition to new development
Lack of variety in housing types
Next Steps (no dates yet)
Phase 1 - Summary & Follow up from in person/virtual town halls - how they’ll use the input
Phase 2 - Online survey, focused neighborhood conversations, public hearings

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