For companies

Instant bots

All our products are once-off purchases, and code is licensed to you forever.
No technical experience needed.
You’ll be billed for AI usage on a monthly basis, or you can use your own API keys.

Single bots

Delivered within 24 hours
You’re in control: moderation, rate limiting, user access and budget features
Private / inspectable etc.

GPT4 Slack or MSTeams co-worker - $1,000

Empower your team to work smarter
We’ll tune the perfect personality to match your needs

GPT4 WhatsApp Business or Telegram bot - $1,000

Host realistic mobile conversations for your team or customers on a dedicated WhatsApp number
Sends and receives voice notes
We’ll tune the perfect personality to match your needs

GPT4 web chat plugin - $1,000

Give your users an epic AI chat experience inside your website
Branded with your logo & colors
Drops in to any website with 1 line of code
We’ll tune the perfect personality to match your needs

GPT4 Google Sheets integration- ??

Coming soon

GPT4 Zoom co-ordinator

Coming soon

Bot power ups - $500 each

Trained on your data: Add your own data sources for the bot to use as ground truth
API powers: Give your bot the ability to use an online service of your choice (including your own API)
Generative powers: Your bot will be able to generate art, music, documents, or email



GPT4 bot suite

$8000 once-off
All power-ups
As many workspace integrations as you want
Up to 5 different personalities
Sell this better - like it’s the full connection of all the things

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.