5-day sprints

Build with us

Our core mission is to level up individuals and businesses with AI - by making AI more accessible and evenly distributed. We're passionate about empowering you to unlock this incredible potential.
What sets us apart is our love for teaming up with experts like you. We believe in combining your domain expertise with our AI know-how to create something truly amazing. Our approach is all about flexibility, efficiency, and learning from real-world experiences, ensuring that every step we take together brings us closer to your goals through validated scientific methods.
In this document, you'll get a glimpse of our values, how we work, and what it's like to build awesome stuff with us. We're excited to start this journey with you, and hope it leads to loads of fun, impactful experiences, and long-lasting success.

Our values

Empowering individuals and small businesses
Making a positive impact on the world
Building meaningful, win-win partnerships
Fostering human + AI co-creation

Our build philosophy

Learning Together

We believe that the best way to grow and succeed is by learning from real-world experiences. As Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”. We love OODA loops and validated learning, so that we iterate, adapt, and improve as we go.

Shipping Early and Often

No matter how long our relationship lasts, we want you to have a working product at every step, and full transparency on learnings. We make sure every small step has an output, so nothing is ever half-done. This approach helps us stay agile, responsive, and focused on delivering results.

Embracing Open-Source

By using popular open-source languages and frameworks, we avoid vendor lock-in, and ensure that you’ll always be able to find somebody to maintain and extend your project. We also offer a substantial discount for projects where open-sourcing unique knowledge and code is a possibility.

De-risk towards win-win relationships

We only build something if we think it has a real chance of positive impact and success. While AI is booming and everyone is rushing to incorporate it into their products, we believe it’s important for all parties to have aligned upside and incentives. Over time, as the project’s risk is reduced through validated learning, we seek to establish a partnership where we’re all directly incentivised to make the mission a success.

Building together: Our process

Phase A: Feasibility testing ($1,000)

Goal: Test whether it’s possible to apply AI in a useful way for your project ​Risk profile: You take on the risk for the pilot by paying us to explore and establish feasibility Output: A proof-of-concept standalone tool, plus a build report ​Build timeline: 3 days Decision: Can we build this? Do we want to build this together?

Phase B: 1+ product iterations ($1,500/loop)

First loop only: Alignment
Goal: Agree on project aims, roles, and metrics ​Output: Alignment doc
Every loop:
Goal: Improve product in 1-week cycles, based on real-world usage ​Risk profile: Since the product has passed initial feasibility tests, we reduce our build rate. ​Output: A working product at every step ​Build timeline: 5-day cycle ​Decision: Have we validated our hypotheses? What should we test next?
It can take ~3-5 iterations to reach a minimum viable product for a small project, but this may vary wildly depending on industry and scope.

Phase C: Partnership (skin-in-the-game rev share)

The projects we focus on the most are those where we have fully aligned incentives i.e. skin in the game. It’s your choice whether you want to stay in Phase B or move forward to a partnership.
Goal: Create a win-win scenario for both parties ​Risk profile: You stop paying for development; we share the risk and upside equally ​Build timeline: Months to years

Side quest: Supercharging you with AI

Since you’re exploring levelling up your product with AI, we also want to help you level up personally. AI as a thinking and productivity tool is invaluable - we personally use it on a daily basis. As a part of our venture together, we aim to give you all our best tools and tips so you can 10x your creativity and output (and maximise fun), through : a non-profit, invite-only community we support.

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