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Aesthetic principles for Graphic Design and designing for the web

Self Study

Aesthetic principles for Graphic Design and designing on the web
This class is a very dense class with a lot of information. As you will see there are quite some articles explaining the most important concepts for UI design. You can find the most important ones in the list below. I You don’t need to read all of them in detail, but it would be good that you understand and have a grasp of the different concepts and how to use or identify them.
In the appendix you can find some extra tools and resources to help you with grids and layouts, typography and colors.

Gestalt Principles

Read the following article and pay special attention to the examples
Click on the tab: Gestalt

Grids, layouts and responsive web design

Read the following article


Read the following article about typography - focus on Typography design recommendations
Read the following article about typography scales - you don’t have to read it word by word but have to understand why typography scales are important and how you can use them


Read the following guide about color theory

Read the following article about styling effects

Figma Workbook

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I understand Gestalt Principles and can identify them in an app or website
I understand why grids and layouts are important in UI design
I can identify different types of grids
I know the different types of responsive grid behaviour
I understand how styling such as colors and effects contribute to gestalt principles
I understand the importance of typography scales in relation to the gestalt principles.

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