Live virtual Kick-Off session
The initial kick-off sets the tone for the entire cohort experience by setting expectations and giving a clear explanation of what participants can expect to gain from it. This is an important step in ensuring participants are fully committed and engaged in the program.
The objective of this session is for participants get acquainted with their SQUAD teams, and give them all the tools they need to confidently participate in all aspects of the FORM cohort experience.
Highlight these reasons for participation:
• WHAT: develop daily improv habit and practice (20 mins)
• WHY: gain tools to improve mental well-being
◦ less stress
◦ more resilient
◦ more creative
◦ more joyful
◦ improved focus
◦ improved mood
Highlight these expectations: (adapted from studio promises)
• yes, and
• stay curious
• follow the joy
• support one another
K-1 Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Expand on the core principles of improvisation, including "yes, and," staying curious, following the joy, and supporting one another. Preview science of improv articles and videos.
Sharing the Science of Improv:
• Dr. Limb's TED Talk
• Yes, and games
• Personal story sharing
Live virtual Touchpoint 1
”Improv Thinking”
Improvisational thinking is the practice of engaging the creative expression in your brain by listening, collaborating, staying positive, and being open to new ideas.
• Dr. Limb-freestyle+ Video
• Pattern interrupt game(s)
1-2 Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Reinforce improv thinking and preview finding opportunities for improv every day.
Focus on building creative confidence, but not overthinking.
Games/Challenges that quiet the self-monitoring and enhance self-expression.
Live virtual Touchpoint 2
”Improv Everyday”
Help participants identify instances of improv in their everyday lives and how to take advantage of those opportunities.
Focus on identifying opportunities for improv thinking in real-world scenarios.
Where can self-expression be cultivated?
2-3 Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Reinforce everyday improv through real-world challenges.
Focus on improv challenges for real-world application.
Think “challenge cards”, visual text image (with alt text).
Example: “Play Another Way to Say” by using an alternative name or phrase in conversation
Live virtual Touchpoint 3
”Improv Habit”
The objective of this session is to identify, predict, and address the barriers to building a daily improv practice habit. Additionally, we will collectively brainstorm potential solutions to these barriers.
• In groups, discuss the barriers:
◦ physical
◦ emotional
◦ social
◦ other?
• Brainstorm solutions
• Summarize key takeaways and preview upcoming sessions
3-C Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Reinforce improv thinking and daily practice of improv playing.
Participants will be empowered to created there own improv challenges.
*We can collect these in a form and use Canva AI or Canva’s auto populate feature to create them as text images.
Live virtual
Curtain Call session
The objective of the curtain call is to solidify the group's connection, celebrate the accomplishments of participants, encourage ongoing participation in the Freestyle+ community, and provide opportunities for participants to share and receive feedback.
Fun an lively celebration
Awards. Freestyle+ curated awards, but a greater emphasis on participant to participant awards.
Lots of opportunities to hear from the participants
Last hooray with the community, so make it more about connection.
Invite participants to continue to be part of freestyle+ community