Team Resources

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FORM Team Hub

Welcome to the Cohort Team Hub - the one-stop-shop for all things freestyle FORM!

Our mission

to create a daily habit of 20 minutes of play

The Vibe

“style guides”

Unique Purpose of Cohort (FORM)

We created a digital program that helps participants stay accountable and engaged with others, but in a community setting like Slack, without needing as much help from faciliplayers. It is intended to be a bridge between the live FLEX events and the Flowzone app.

About the cohort experience

What is a freestyle+ cohort experience?

The freestyle+ Cohort Experience is designed for companies interested in building their staff's mental fitness in a fun and engaging way. It can be paired with the Flowzone app or used as a standalone service. During the cohort, participants will learn how to apply improvisational techniques to their personal and professional lives. Each cohort is limited to no more than 25 individuals and will be led by a Freestyle+ trained faciliplayer (facilitator + performer). The faciliplayer will introduce the concepts of improv, active mindfulness, and everyday practice in a fun and playful way.
Each cohort will be divided into smaller squads of 5-6 people. These squads will meet weekly on their own and engage in 20 minutes of improv, assisted by a playbook created by Freestyle+.
FORM: 12 weeks of content
FORM Express: 4 weeks of content

Why the cohort experience?

The cohort experience goes beyond what the Flowzone app can do by creating accountability for the adoption of improv habits. This makes it a great companion to the Flowzone app, or as a standalone offering.
The cohort experience provides participants with a supportive community that encourages engagement and accountability for learning and habit change. It is designed to create an environment where participants can learn and practice new skills with the help of their peers. By providing this support system, the cohort experience increases the likelihood of successful adoption of new habits and behaviors. It also provides a space for participants to receive feedback, share experiences, and celebrate successes, which can further motivate them to continue practicing and applying their new applied improv skills.

Desired outcomes


The overarching goal: Participants develop the habit of improvising for "20 minutes a day to keep the funk away."
The cohort experience aims to benefit not only Freestyle+, but also our clients and end users (i.e. participants). While each party may have different outcomes, our goal is to create a win-win-win situation for everyone involved.
For Freestyle+, the cohort experience can solidify our approach to mental fitness and establish us as the "go-to" for mental fitness, including continued use of the Flowzone app or any additional community spaces created by Freestyle+ in the future.
For corporate clients, the cohort experience can be a valuable service to offer their employees, leading to improved morale, innovation, and employee connection.
For participants, the cohort experience provides an opportunity for community and connection, as well as a chance to develop valuable skills in improvisation, communication, and problem-solving.


The overarching objective: Promoting accountability and adoption through cohort engagement
Specific objectives of a cohort experience include:
Introduce improv mindset
Identify everyday moments for improv
Build morale and motivation through shared celebration
Create a supportive and connected environment for cohort participants
Develop adaptability and flexibility by being challenged
Reflect and discuss to internalize learning experiences
Exploring ways to overcome obstacles in establishing a daily improv habit
*** Depending on the client, we can incorporate their desired objectives as well.

Instructional Outline

A simple outline with participant learning objectives and freestyle+ strategy
Instructional Strategy
Live virtual Kick-Off session
The initial kick-off sets the tone for the entire cohort experience by setting expectations and giving a clear explanation of what participants can expect to gain from it. This is an important step in ensuring participants are fully committed and engaged in the program. The objective of this session is for participants get acquainted with their SQUAD teams, and give them all the tools they need to confidently participate in all aspects of the FORM cohort experience.
Highlight these reasons for participation:
WHAT: develop daily improv habit and practice (20 mins)
WHY: gain tools to improve mental well-being
◦ less stress
◦ more resilient
◦ more creative
◦ more joyful
◦ improved focus
◦ improved mood

Highlight these expectations: (adapted from studio promises)
• yes, and
• stay curious
• follow the joy
• support one another
K-1 Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Expand on the core principles of improvisation, including "yes, and," staying curious, following the joy, and supporting one another. Preview science of improv articles and videos.
Sharing the Science of Improv: • Dr. Limb's TED Talk Games • Yes, and games • Personal story sharing
Live virtual Touchpoint 1
”Improv Thinking”
Improvisational thinking is the practice of engaging the creative expression in your brain by listening, collaborating, staying positive, and being open to new ideas.
• Dr. Limb-freestyle+ Video • Pattern interrupt game(s)
1-2 Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Reinforce improv thinking and preview finding opportunities for improv every day.
Focus on building creative confidence, but not overthinking. Games/Challenges that quiet the self-monitoring and enhance self-expression.
Live virtual Touchpoint 2
”Improv Everyday”
Help participants identify instances of improv in their everyday lives and how to take advantage of those opportunities.
Focus on identifying opportunities for improv thinking in real-world scenarios. Where can self-expression be cultivated?
2-3 Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Reinforce everyday improv through real-world challenges.
Focus on improv challenges for real-world application. Think “challenge cards”, visual text image (with alt text). Example: “Play Another Way to Say” by using an alternative name or phrase in conversation
Live virtual Touchpoint 3
”Improv Habit”
The objective of this session is to identify, predict, and address the barriers to building a daily improv practice habit. Additionally, we will collectively brainstorm potential solutions to these barriers.
• In groups, discuss the barriers: ◦ physical ◦ emotional ◦ social ◦ other? • Brainstorm solutions • Summarize key takeaways and preview upcoming sessions
3-C Asynchronous messaging and conversations in Slack (or comparable app)
Reinforce improv thinking and daily practice of improv playing.
Participants will be empowered to created there own improv challenges.
*We can collect these in a form and use Canva AI or Canva’s auto populate feature to create them as text images.
Live virtual
Curtain Call session
The objective of the curtain call is to solidify the group's connection, celebrate the accomplishments of participants, encourage ongoing participation in the Freestyle+ community, and provide opportunities for participants to share and receive feedback.
Fun an lively celebration Awards. Freestyle+ curated awards, but a greater emphasis on participant to participant awards. Lots of opportunities to hear from the participants Last hooray with the community, so make it more about connection. Invite participants to continue to be part of freestyle+ community
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Created by Melanie Williams - Flowzone Cohort Experience Design Deck with details (Slide 2)
*updated May/June 2023, only 2 cohort connects (Live freestyle+ sessions) between kickoff and curtain call.
Live Session General Outline 3
Week 1 (Mon) Kickoff
Week 2 (Tue)
Week 3 (Tue)
Week 4 (Tue)
Welcome + Check-in
Participants are greeted and given an opportunity to introduce themselves and check in with the facilitator and each other. It is a way to establish a positive and supportive environment and set the tone for the rest of the session.
Warmup game (all)
To start each cohort session, play a warm-up game that is easy and accessible to everyone, regardless of experience level. The game should create a low-pressure environment and encourage engagement and interaction among participants.
Small group game(s)
Played in breakouts, small group games are used for participants to practice and apply improv concepts. This helps them get to know each other and not feel shy.
Be sure to demo the gameplay in the larger group before sending off to breakouts.
Examples: Sound Ball, Headlines, Everybody Go
Help participants reflect on what they noticed, share thoughts, and find ways to improve. It's important to always connect back to the improv thinking concepts.
Sharing game
In a sharing game, participants share something personal about themselves without putting on a character. They get to choose what they share.
Examples: Fun fact about me, Memory Lanes, One Minute Story
Help participants reflect on what they noticed, share thoughts, and find ways to improve. It's important to always connect back to the improv thinking concepts.
Main Topic
The main topic is where the faciliplayer sets up the main takeaway for the participants. It may vary by session and client learning objectives.
Examples: Improv Thinking, Science of Improv, Everyday Improv, Storytelling
The discussion section is like a debrief, but it is more focused on the topic of the session and gives participants a chance to share. The facilitator is not the only expert in the room; instead, they work collaboratively with the participants to share best practices.
Participants making a promise, even if it's small, to follow through on something related to the program. Participants can share their commitment in small groups, in the chat feature, or, if time allows, say it out loud to the whole group. This helps them stay accountable and motivated to keep improving.
Example: “to say yes more”, “reply to 3 people in the slack channel this week”
Wrap-up + Challenge
The conclusion of a cohort session, during which the facilitator summarizes what was learned and issues a specific challenge to the participants. The challenge should be a specific way to apply what they learned to their everyday lives, and is meant to motivate participants to continue practicing and developing their improvisational skills.
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Cohort Connects General Outline

The design is intended to be analogous and not reliant on a specific teaching curriculum. The goal is to strengthen and mirror the learning experience in the community channels and in SQUAD connects.
Welcome + Check-in
Participants are greeted and given an opportunity to introduce themselves and check in with the facilitator and each other. It is a way to establish a positive and supportive environment and set the tone for the rest of the session.
Ice breaker question in chat: What’s the best thing you ate last week? Traffic Light
Small group game(s)
Played in breakouts, small group games are used for participants to practice and apply improv concepts. This helps them get to know each other and not feel shy.
Be sure to demo the gameplay in the larger group before sending off to breakouts.
Examples: Sound Ball, Headlines, Everybody Go
Repeat former playbook game
Warmup game (all)
To start each cohort session, play a warm-up game that is easy and accessible to everyone, regardless of experience level. The game should create a low-pressure environment and encourage engagement and interaction among participants.
New game that all can play!
Slide to recap the previous weeks since full group connect
interactive poll?
Help participants reflect on what they noticed, share thoughts, and find ways to improve. It's important to always connect back to the improv thinking concepts.
small groups breakout discussion
Sharing game
In a sharing game, participants share something personal about themselves without putting on a character. They get to choose what they share.
Examples: Fun fact about me, Memory Lanes, One Minute Story
sharing within theme?? Word cloud to get topics related to learnings
Help participants reflect on what they noticed, share thoughts, and find ways to improve. It's important to always connect back to the improv thinking concepts.
The main topic is where the faciliplayer sets up the main takeaway for the participants. It may vary by session and client learning objectives.
Examples: Improv Thinking, Science of Improv, Everyday Improv, Storytelling
QUESTIONS to the group. to solicit deeper reflection.
The discussion section is like a debrief, but it is more focused on the topic of the session and gives participants a chance to share. The facilitator is not the only expert in the room; instead, they work collaboratively with the participants to share best practices.
Participants making a promise, even if it's small, to follow through on something related to the program. Participants can share their commitment in small groups, in the chat feature, or, if time allows, say it out loud to the whole group. This helps them stay accountable and motivated to keep improving.
Example: “to say yes more”, “reply to 3 people in the slack channel this week”
Wrap-up + Challenge
The conclusion of a cohort session, during which the facilitator summarizes what was learned and issues a specific challenge to the participants. The challenge should be a specific way to apply what they learned to their everyday lives, and is meant to motivate participants to continue practicing and developing their improvisational skills.
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Story Game is a chance to share personal, true experiences based on a prompt.

Content Descriptions

Async Content Outline

Share resources weekly: We will put out at least one of the following weekly:
written resources: articles, or book suggestions
auditory resources: podcasts, or videos with stand-alone audio
visual resources: infographic, science doodles, quotes
Mindful Monday
Each Monday, except the kickoff, we encourages participants to practice mindfulness in their daily lives. This can include activities such as meditation, breathing exercises, or simply taking a few moments to be present in the moment.
Beginning with more “traditional” mindfulness practices
Infusing more playful + improv approaches as we move through the cohort
Together Tuesday
Live interaction workshops in Zoom or Meet
Whimsical Wednesday
Each Wednesday, we
Thoughtful Thursday
Each Thursday, we
Reflective Friday
Each Friday we encourages participants to reflect on their weekly progress and experiences with the cohort community. It is an opportunity for participants to share their wins, challenges, and learnings with their peers, and to receive feedback and support. It is also an opportunity to highlight winners on the weekly leaderboard.

Instructional Design Notes:

Length of cohort: It is suggested that cohorts last a minimum of 6 weeks. However, Luis recommends that they last for 12 weeks. Our goal is to create enough content to eventually make 12 weeks the norm.
Live session activities. Strive to have one-third or more of the live session time dedicated to participants sharing or interacting with one another, rather than just listening or watching the faciliplayer.
Leaderboard Achievements

Brainstorm: Real-World Challenge Cards

Brainstorm list of everyday situations for improvising in the wild.
Practice active listening and staying present in conversations, rather than just waiting for your turn to speak
Use last letter, first letter in conversation
Take a “beat” before responding in conversation
Play questions only, and ask more questions in conversation
Embrace the "yes, and" mentality to build off of others' ideas and create collaborative solutions.
Start your response with “yes, and”
Give someone credit for their idea, and add on to it
Use humor and playfulness to diffuse tense situations and create a more positive environment.
Make note of the funny, silly, or odd moments of your day
Practice thinking on your feet and being adaptable in unexpected situations.
Find an opportunity to speak or present about what you’re working on (can be 1:1)
Practice creative problem-solving by brainstorming multiple solutions to a problem, even if they seem silly or unconventional at first.
Take an object and come up with alternative ways to use it
Select a noun, and come up with ways to say it differently
Use physicality and body language to communicate more effectively and express yourself in different ways.
Try on different postures (especially power poses)
Challenge yourself to come with a “new choice” and not go with your automatic choices
Improvise a new name for your coffee order (+1 take your first sip as this character)
Select a different route to your workspace
Encourage participants to form improv groups outside of the cohort and continue practicing together.
Small team could be tasked to demo a game for the group. Give them the instructions and video to practice together

Brainstorm: Client Onboarding

To customize the cohort experience, it is necessary to understand our clients and the participants we will be serving. For this reason, we recommend asking the following intake questions:

Suggested Intake Questions:

About Company/Client

Industry: Allows freestyle+ to tailor the cohort experience with meaningful and concrete examples
Preferred Cohort Outcome: Allows freestyle+ the opportunity to select the accompanying flowzone journey and utilize the correct assessment to demonstrate that progress was made on their requested outcomes.
What are you looking for to move the needle forward? Allows freestyle+ and client to agree upon a clear outcome and deliverable through participant tracking and self assessment.

About Participants

Opt-in or Required? Allows freestyle+ to understand the level of motivation and engagement of participants and may inform our faciliplayer choices
Roles, Responsibilities, Dept? Allows freestyle+ to tailor the content or examples and provide a more inclusive experience where the participants more clearly see themselves.
Time zone/Location: Allows freestyle+ to schedule live sessions and async communication that works for most. Additionally, it can help the faciliplayer and freestyle+ team understand the cultural context of participants.
Length of employment? New Hires? New Position but previous employee? Senior Employee? Allows freestyle+ to better understand the context and demographics of participants and their connection to the company (our client)

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