ARCHIVE: Live Events

ARCHIVE: Kickoff Template

Simple ROS with Timing + Tech

Time PST
As Participants Arrive
Welcome Slide
15min (10 preshow)
Spotify Playlist: ???
+ 🎵 Share sound
Hosts Welcome
Host Intros
Agenda (playbook)
🚫 stop music + 🖥️ Show Slides
Traffic Light
Host explains
Responses in chat
AFTER host explains... 🖥️ Traffic Light
+ 🎵 play music
Take Five (Zoom Version)
Zoom Best Practices
reaction emoji
type first thing you see in chat
unmute say name
wiley e. coyote
deep breath + exhale
🖥️ We’re Zoom-ing! ... during Take Five 🚫 Screen sharing!
Emoji Drop HYF?
“How you feeling?”
Share an emoji reaction
No tech
3 Ws
Who is freestyle+
What is FORM
FORM Promises
Why form an Improv Habit?
🖥️ Slide: FORM Promises
Dr. Limb Video
Setup Dr. Limb video
Play video
🎥 Play: Dr. Limb Video (cue up in deck?)
Components of FORM
This week
Slack Channel
IRL Challenge
Assessment Reminder
setup SQUAD Connect (next beat)
8 min
🖥️ Slides:
This week
Meet your SQUAD
Quick Intros
Pick SQUAD Name
how to introduce themselves back to full cohort
⏹️ Breakout rooms
Ensure 0 seconds to come back to main room AND immediate sending to breakout room
Squad Intros - FORM kickoff.png
*** Squad Introductions ***
Share your name
What activity makes you lose track of time?
What’s your squad’s name?
Reminder FORM promises
quick reminder to play
1 min
🖥️ Share to Breakouts Slides:
FORM promises (2)
Yes, Let’s (with SQUAD)
Introduce Game
Slide with game play (playbook style)
⏹️ Breakout Rooms by SQUAD assignments
🖥️ Share to Breakouts Slides:
Yes, Let’s instructions

***Yes, Let’s - Gameplay:***

Propose an activity, like “Hey everyone, let's drive a race car!”
Everyone agrees “YES, let’s” and pretends to do activity.
After a few seconds, switch to a new activity suggested by another player. Don't preplan and enjoy the current moment!
Yes Let's Gameplay - FORM kickoff.png
Debrief Yes, Let’s
Possible Debrief Qs: What did you notice? Energy shift? Feeling more connected?
no tech
SQUAD Connect
Our own meetup
But Have Fun!
🖥️ Share to Breakouts Slides:
Playbook + SQUAD connect overview
SQUAD Coordinate
Pick Leader
Pick Date + Time
⏹️ Breakout rooms
🖥️ Share to Breakouts Slides:
SQUAD pick leader + day/time
*** Squad Connect this Week ***
Select a Squad Leader
Decide when to meetup for squad connect

IRL Challenge
“Say Yes More”
2 min
No tech
Gratitude Pond
Natural transition
🖥️ Share Slide:
Image of pond
8:59 AM
Reinforce Challenge
+ Assessment reminder!
Take a screen shot of all attendees (giving option to go off camera) to use in Comm Chan tomorrow
1 min
🖥️ Share Slide:
Thank you
There are no rows in this table



Suggested Script:
Host starts the PRE SHOW ROLL for Cohort members in the Waiting Room. There is a reminder within this to complete the ASSESSMENT after the meeting if they haven’t already done so.
Host brings the members of the Cohort into the Main Room after the five minute countdown has transpired.
Hey, Everybody! I’m [Nate!] and I’d like to welcome you to our Cohort Kickoff where we’re going to be telling you a bit about who we are and what we do, the benefits of mental fitness, and what you’ll be doing in regards to 20 minutes of improv per day. If you like, you can hide non-video participants so you can get a bit more of that sweet face engagement as we play for the next 50 minutes or so.
And to start, I want to see how everyone is doing! I’d like for you to put your traffic lights into the chat. If you’re monochromatic or simply have a raging distaste for Crayons that is a-okay, I’m going to explain what each one means.
Host displays Betsaida Traffic Light Card and explains what each color means
So in short,
Green if you’re feeling great.
Red if you’re feeling not so great.
Yellow if you’re somewhere in the middle today.
This isn’t to pry into your deep, personal feelings. It’s to get a gauge of where the group is at in regards to mental flow. A bunch of greens means all systems go! A bunch of yellows indicates to me that maybe I should be sure to explain things in a couple of ways before proceeding. If I got 20 reds I wouldn’t be like, “So did ya see the new Indiana Jones?!” That would show that I wasn’t really taking your contributions into account. It could mean Godzilla is outside so I should take my phone off of airplane mode and text my mom.
We think this is a great way to start your meetings off as people come stacking in after the start time. It’s a simple way to get folks engaging with what’s in front of them while asking, “hey.. how ya doin?!” We’re humans first. We take care of the business when we take care of each other.
Host reads down a few of the colors and proceeds how they see fit. .
And we are freestyle+! We are a group of improvisors and instructors who want to build connection and confidence in the workplace through improvisation. Then around the end of 2019 and through 2020 I’m not sure if you were on the planet for it but the strangest thing happened… a global pandemic! Covid straight up shut the whole world down! We saw an opportunity to make community, pride, creativity, and mental fitness a part of our daily lives when our brains needed a whole lotta love.
And your brain really benefits from these types of interactions! Our friends, Dr. Charles Limb and Shockwave, can explain more in this video.
Host plays the “What Happens In Your Brain When You Improvise” video.
I’d listen to my Doctor a lot more if they had a beatboxer next to them. Well, I’d bob my head “yes” a lot more at least.
So what do we have to do to get our brains ready for launch? We can fuel it with 20 minutes of improv activity every day. It’s like a workout for your brain. You’ve heard it before.. but your brain is a muscle! The only way it gets stronger is if you take the time to strengthen it. And that conditioning starts with saying, “yes”.
Let’s get our brains ready to rock with a breathing exercise. This video will explain how we’re gonna do it today. Just follow along, yea?!
Host plays the video of Box Breathing.
Nice! Please give me an emoji describing how you’re feeling! You can find them at the bottom. Maybe a thumbs up. Maybe a smiley face. Maybe a ghost if you’re feeling ghouly. Whatever is simple and makes sense for you right now. Cuz now we’re gonna gear up to play Take Five.
This warm-up is a great way to retrain your brain while increasing focus, alertness, and your proficiency at being in - and staying in - the moment. The moment is where the magic happens! We often worry about the past or the future while living in the current NOW! So let’s work on that!
We’re going to do an action that corresponds to a number and when I say that number -- YOU do the action. So for example.. We’ll link the #1 to a lion face like this -
Host makes a lion face and a corresponding noise.
So then #2 can be attached to a mouse face like this -
Host makes a mouse face and a corresponding noise.
So let’s try that. #1!... and #2!
Host makes corresponding faces/noises with the Cohort.
You look good! So we’ve got those and let’s add two more. #3 will be Muppet arms. And that’s this -
Host makes Muppet arms and says, “Whaaaaa!” as #3.
So do that with me. #3!
Okay great, #4 will be LOOK AT THE DOOR! So I won’t say “Look at the door!” I’ll say… #4!
Nice. #3!
Host goes down through the numbers then back up to #4.
Great! Okay… let’s add one more… And that’s our best Heavy Metal Jack Black impersonation. So #5 is -
Host says, “YEAAA!” while strumming an imaginary electric guitar across their chest.
So do that with me! #5 is, “YEAAA!” I’ll drop the numbers and their actions in the chat in case anyone feels a little lost.
Lion face!
Mouse face!
Muppet arms!
Look At the Door!
Heavy Metal!
Let’s get ready to rock!
The Host does a random configuration of all of the numbers for about a minute.
Okay great! Thank you for saying yes to that activity! I am going to give you all a round of applause because you looked awesome. I took the time to screenshot those faces so I can send them out to my family as my holiday postcard later this year. I’m kidding, this is a safe nest. I’m only going to send them to your best friends.
So now that our minds and bodies are warmed up let’s move into a couple of games. The first one is called “Yes, Let’s”. In this, we’re going to work on trusting our gut.
It’s just call and response and we’re going to share the responsibility of it across the board. Please use the hand raise emoji at the bottom of your screen if you’re in a space and a place to participate in our game. I promise it’s simple and only a little weird. And not nearly as weird as me.
Host makes lion face #1 before continuing.
So someone is gonna give us a prompt and we all say, “Yes! Let’s” and follow it. Then we pass it to the next person with their hand raised. So for example, "Let's dance ballet!"
Host does their rendition of a ballet dance.
So you all would respond with, “Yes! Let’s!” and follow me in a ballet dance.
Let’s try another one. “Let’s all chug water!”
Host mimes chugging water while going, “glug glug glug glug..”. The Cohort says, “Yes! Let’s!” And follows along.
Cool! Now I’m going to pass it to -
Host passes it to a Cohort member with their virtual hand raised. Host facilitates the action and ensures that the “Yes! Let’s!” is passed to everyone that wants to play.
Fantastic work. You’re all the best water drinkers I’ve ever seen. Hydrated group, this one is. I like it so much that it leads me right into our final game, “I Like..”
Hey! You’ve done it! You’ve worked out your brain and made yourself just a little bit smarter. A little bit more pliable. A little bit more ready for the present moment. Thank you for saying, “Yes, and” to mental fitness. Doing this each day is what gets you ready to take on the world. So to help with that, we’re going to give you a few tools to use throughout your experience with us.
There will be a weekly newsletter to serve as a digest for what was, what is, and what will be covered during our Cohort. We’re going to drop daily content into your [Slack] channel to get your brains moving in a new way. Nothing to overwhelm you - only to inspire you! You’ve already gotten a weekly Playbook containing 20 minutes of improv to play with your team. So we’re going to break you out into Squads so that communication between teams is less convoluted and more free.
I am simply going to divide the number of people we have here today by 4 and place you into Breakout Rooms. The people you appear with are in your Squad for the week! There’s a few orders of business to take care of at this time.
#1. Pick a squad leader! However you want to do this is fine. It can be the person who lives the furthest away from Cincinnati, Ohio. It can be the person with the birthday coming up the soonest. Or someone can just raise their hand and say that they want to enter the Thunderdome. However you want to do it is your private dancer. It’s then that person's role this week to find a time that the Squad can meet and go over the Playbook before Friday.
#2. Name your Squad. I think “Too Cool For School” is already taken so you’ll have to be creative.
And #3. Here are some backgrounds and instructions for Yes, And Vacation!
Host announces "Everyday Yes" Squad Challenge with Vacation Background
Welcome back! Did you pick out a Squad name? Let me hear them! If any team picked “Too Cool For School” The 1990’s will be issuing a subpoena by the end of the week.
This is a creative bunch. I had no doubts. Well, we’re nearing the end of our Kickoff so I wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone for playing today. If you were yellow or red at the start of this meeting I hope today’s activities lifted you to green. Before we go, I’d like to issue a mental challenge to the group. A challenge, I say!
We improvise every day. We usually just DO IT without thinking about it! So let's build awareness around the skill by looking for opportunities to 'say yes' more throughout the week. If the car wash asks if you want to try the Deluxe... say yes! If the bathroom attendant asks if you want a mint... say yes! Being mindful of those opportunities builds your awareness and the skill of saying 'yes' going forward!"
When you find the opportunities to do it, share it in the [Slack] channel with your Squad! What you share will inspire others to share and that will inspire others to act. So get out there and say yes!
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