ARCHIVE: Assessment Drafts

Initial Assessment for when the player opens the app.

Context Setting:

The data we want To capture is directly connected to the outcomes we are promising clients. i.e. 20 mins of play, Inclusion, Collaboration, Creativity, Positivity, and Connectedness
Questions formulated to capture the essential data required for sharing with clients the story of their progress.
how much do they play - It’s easy for me to find moments every day to play.
inclusive - I regularly include all voices at the table, especially the silent ones.
collaborative - I look for different perspectives to improve my work.
creative - I have an endless supply of new ideas.
positive - I welcome challenges as a chance to explore new possibilities.
⭐ culture- how connected they feel (inclusion, collaborative, etc?
NOTE on Connectedness. This is uniquely different because it is not personal and it does not involve only what the individual is doing; it relies on the culture of the organization and how each member feels as a part of the collective culture.
Questions Final Copy
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(Basic) Question Assessment
Question Copy (F+sauce added)
Value 1 (not at all)
Value 5 (completely)
Notes + Feedback
Image 6
It’s easy for me to find moments every day to play.
I easily find time to play every day.
1- I’m all work and no play, Jack.
5- I’m as playful as a newborn kitten with a ball of yarn.
I regularly include all voices at the table, especially the silent ones.
I regularly include all voices at the table - especially the silent ones.
1- It’s hard for me to notice when someone in the group hasn’t spoken up yet.
5- I’m constantly thinking of ways to involve everybody.
I look for different perspectives to improve my work.
I look for different perspectives to improve my work.
1- I prefer to work independently without input from others
5- My work is a gumbo of different people’s ideas and okra.
I have an endless supply of new ideas.
I have an endless supply of new ideas.
1- My stream of new ideas runs dry pretty quickly.
5- I am the fountain of youth when it comes to creation!
I welcome challenges as a chance to explore new possibilities.
I welcome challenges as a chance to explore new possibilities.
1- Challenges are roadblocks that I find difficult to climb over.
5- Every challenge is a chance to show off my improv skills.
There are no rows in this table


Old draft/notes

Rate your current flow state: Red/Yellow/Green
I follow the joy in my life/job.
I make play part of my day.
I say yes more often than no.
I am not afraid of taking risks.
When I get stuck, I know how to get back in the flow.
I am curious.
I find my flow as much as I can.
If your joy was an animal, what would it be?
What is one think you hope to gain this week?
Rate your current flow state: Red/Yellow/Green
I follow the joy in my life/job.
I make play part of my day.
I say yes more often than no.
I am not afraid of taking risks.
When I get stuck, I know how to get back in the flow.
I am curious.
I find my flow as much as I can.
How does your Joy animal feel?
What is one take-away you have from the week?

*the last two are the only ones that are different.

Luis suggests adding one around connection. Maybe swap #7 for "I feel connected to the people in my life." or "I feel connected to my colleagues."
FB from AV
Sense of belonging
Collaboration skills for inclusivity
Skill sets you need to be successful/what did you learn
FB B - Creativity

Speechless Promise

We want to know SPEECHLESS PROMISE if they:
follow they joy | play and learn from a place of fun, love, kindness and respect
say yes | choose positivity in action, words, and intent
be inclusive | make partner look good, feel safe, be heard. use inclusive language. respect physical/emotional boundaries.
be curious | listen with curiosity. learn from risk/failure: vulnerability is a superpower
be safe | we will help you find comfort in the uncomfortable. take care of self and others.

BL sent to Shock 5.3.23 5:13pm PT

Before we begin, we would like to learn a little bit about you. There are no right or wrong answers, this will simply help us understand where to start. Please don't overthink your answers, just go with your gut instinct.
Mark how often using the slider scale. We could also use a more playful alternative answer scale.
0: Never
1: Rarely
2: Occasionally
3: Sometimes
4: Often
5: Always
How often do you have a good laugh?
How often do you step outside of your comfort zone?
Insert quick joke: or fun fact
How often do you wish you were more connected to the people in your life
How often do you find yourself completely absorbed in a task where you feel like you're in the zone?
How ready are you to get into the FlowZone right now? these could be images/buttons that the user could select.
0: I'm more of a couch potato than a mental athlete.
1: I'm not quite ready to jump in, but I'm getting there.
2: I'm feeling a little adventurous today.
3: I'm ready to dip my toes in and see what it's all about.
4: I'm feeling pretty fearless and ready to take on a challenge.
5: Let's go! I was born ready for the FlowZone!

Questions for onboarding by Joel

Notes from 1/13/2023 Product Pod Sync behind ASSESSMENT

Ways to incentivize mastery
Study out of Stonybrook U, Peter Melsner - 20 min of improv a day does the job!
We need to lean into this hard - the hypotheses that doing this daily is a great way to put a dent in this work of mental fitness, not be the whole 20 min
Dreyfus Mastery Scale
Challenge cards can support this further encouraged work to supplement the additional 15 min outside of our 5 min flows
Hypotheses of days/week/time spent in development
Forming habits - another study proves this out and also how many days it takes to form a lifestyle change speaks to this, as well as product design and what’s needed to provide an effective MVP that supports this.
66 to 240 days for lifestyle changes
Meaningful change - 3 months? 4 weeks for a journey, AB analytics
Challenges - core unit of journeys - badges are part of this
Can AB the way the journeys are served up and can make much longer journeys as a way to do this/test this

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