
EC Utbildning

More general info is found in the “Teacher Onboarding” in

Course plan

Everything we fill the course with, the Powerpoint contents, handbooks, guides, exercises / labs, homework, teaching and how we examinate it must always be aligned with the course plan.
Some small content here and there can be some “extra recommendations” or insights from the real life industry, but we must always make it clear what parts are extra or what is part of the main course. Either verbally but preferably always also in text in direct context to what is shared as non-mandatory extra learnings / insights etc
Same goes for examinations, nothing we test or grade for their final scoring unless clearly stated in the course plan.
( This of course also makes it easier for us, so we don’t do extra labor outside of what is needed or make the course to hard for the students - again something that just takes more time for everyone involved) ​ If uncertain, sync with with the Utbildningsledare (Molly & Madeleine ) ahead of time. ​Better with 1 small question extra than one too few
Each Course plan has a short summary, some key areas that will be brought up.

Make a short Mentimeter to check the level of familiarity the students has with each course area at the start of the course, to also better know which areas to cover more deeply or with more repetition. This should however not impact the actual content of the course so they miss out on areas.
Make 3 ones in total: 1) One in the first lecture to get some overall insights into their levels of experience / familiarity 2) The middle of the course . Also plan 20-30 min of dialogue and open thoughts about the course and what can be better. So we can improve and see what “invisible thoughts” are in the class 3) One near the end of the course Also plan 20-30 min of dialogue and open thoughts about the course and what could have been done better.


First thing we do is to make sure to set the schedule with the school early so the students have time to plan their days ahead in the course.
Schedule changes are OK in emergency or if no other solution, but really want to avoid this as any deviation from the planning of the course creates confusion and / or risk making the students worried or upset.
But with good time margins, clear communication with both the students and EC utbildningsledare it can be possible - but let’s avoid it.
Each day has 3 phases: 08-08:45 : Standby assistance and answering questions if needed 09-16:00 : Normal Lecture. Normal lecture, live coding, teaching in the morning 9-12, then more lab & practical with teacher assistance available in the afternoon 13:00-16:00
16:00 - 17:00 Standby assistance and answering questions if needed

Schedule Lecture Titles:

For each course , the second thing after the after the actual schedule to add the titles for each lecture.
A short 2-4 words about what the title for the lecture is. For example “Översikt och introduktion”, “Grunderna i data-analys”, “Repetion & Handledning”. Then also it is good if they come with a short short bullet point or description regarding the content for that day. Does not have to be a long description at all.
Usually just 1-3 bullet points or 1-2 sentences depending on what you’ll cover. Just for clarity, not to steal your time :)

Placing scheduling in Teams

The school has already made team group for us, but it is up to us to place our lectures in the calendar.
We start a lecture by just joining the scheduled lecture call we’ve placed in the calendar.

A) To Place a schedule
1) Go to the “calendar”-section in Teams
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You’ll find a normal calendar planner, that you can fill with your lectures & plans.

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The time sections will light up where ever you want to book it, just press it and you’ll start making a time slot. You can also press and hold to instantly make a longer booking, and release it where you want to lecture to end. However you can adjust this in the next step.

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Booking Details

Now we add the details:
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1) Key thing(!) is to make sure you have selected a channel so it appears in the proper school class, for the students to see it. They can’t see the planned, scheduled lecture at all if it is not for their specific Teams group.
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You also want to add to the specific channel for your actual course, since they have multiple different courses for each student class group.

2) Add a title. Usually just: “Handledning och frågestund” For the assistance part of the day. 8:00-9:00 ​“Lektion 4” (with the actual lecture number)For the normal lecture time 9-16:00 (if you add the lecture title more descriptive, that is a plus as well) ​ “Handledning och frågestund” For the assistance part of the day. 16:00-17:00 3) Make sure the DATE plus START TIME & END TIME is correct for the lecture
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4) Add a very short short description about the lectures content in the meeting description.
Good with a few bullet points on what will be covered

5) If you want you can make the event repeat, for certain weekdays, which is smooth if you have the same type of schedule every week, then you get all the “Handledning och frågestund” in there automatically for the future :)
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B) Each of these phases are to be added in Teams as separate bookings, with separate calls for every lecture day. As so:

We start a lecture by just joining the scheduled lecture call we’ve placed in the calendar.

Schedule in Omniway

We also add our lectures in Omniway (but no need for the “handlednings”-part of it)
This is so student feel fully confident in the schedule.
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Add a title and if it should be recurring (smart)
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After this, press the title and add the content to it.
Add a short bullet point list or short text about the content for the day.
Also link it (either in advance or the same day) to any related PDFs / files (see below)
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Recording Lectures

Remember to record each lecture, and before doing so ALWAYS show and mention the GDPR-rules and remind them shortly about the key points. You can also place a screenshot of the summary in your first few slides of your presentation.
EC inspelningsrutin-1.pdf
109.6 kB
Inspelningsrutin för konsulter(1).docx
88.8 kB
Inspelningsrutin för studerande(2).docx
87.9 kB
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The recordings are automatically saved in Teams, in the correct group and channel for the call:


They primarily want us to use the chat/message functions in Omniway.
Hard when it is no notifications, but we do our best. Aim for the Omniway channel when sending out info from us. Especially for formality related messages.
Primarily students prefer either teams of to invite you to their collective Discord Group
Primary time for communication is during lecture time, but we can also be somewhat available outside of this. Let the students KNOW what those guidelines are so they know what to expect.

PowerPoint Slides

More general info is found in the “Teacher Onboarding” in

Are always added in Omniway, if you can do it ahead of time it is even better - but otherwise at the start of each lecture. You add it under “Kurstillbehör” (Course appendix)

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Copy the link to you file, so you can link to it from the schedule tab (see below)
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After this you should also add it to the “Undervisning”
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Here you see all the lectures you’ve added and planned (in the steps above in “Schedule”) and can click on each planned lecture to either add a short description about the lecture (if you haven’t already) as well as link to the matching PDF file, or other lecture content, related to that lecture.
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Add a link to the file you have uploaded in “Kurstillbehör” so they can find the linkage between each scheduled lecture and the correct PDF-files
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More general info is found in the “Teacher Onboarding” in
Nothing we test or grade for their final scoring unless clearly stated in the course plan.

dCreating an examination task

To place an examination in Omniway, do the following:
Go to “kursomgångslista”
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Find your course and specific class. Remember that it is sometimes both a Gothenburg class (EGB) & Stockholm Class (ESH). And you have to copy paste the same assignment info for both (IF there are double classes that is)
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Press “Uppgifter”:
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You’ll now see all the examinations for this specific course and this specific class:
To change one of them, press it in the list
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To add a new assignment , press “Skapa ny uppgift”. Or If you want to , you can also import a copy from an existing course (good if you have double classes).
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If you’ve created a new assignment, fill in the info according to the onscreen instructions.
Give it a name: “Namn på uppgiften”. It is never a “Nationellt prov”, so - no (”nej”).

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Press “Nästa” (Next)
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There is multiple options in the next step, follow the info text - but the only relevant would be this one.
If the grading is only via point score (0= fail IG, 1= pass G, 2=passing with distinctions VG) or if it should be also with some feedback. Or only feedback (good for training exercises that don’t count to their grade)
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You can also select if they should have “infinite time” to have the assignment available in Omniway, but usually we want to add a deadline, so no (nej).

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Follow the info, but not needed to change this unless specific cases:
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Press Nästa (”next”)
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Set a deadline for the assignment.
Omniway does not allow us to place exact dates (that we know of) so you have to calculate how many days are left until the specific date that it should be submitted. Not ideal, but you can at least use both weeks and days.
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Skrivtid: “Writing time limit”. We can also pick if it should be a limited writing time, usually only for online examinations.
For normal hand in assignments, this can be “unchecked” on “Uppgiften har skrivtid”

We can also pick to have to lock the possibility to submit the assignment once the deadline is running out, which is usually good (Automatisk Inlämning)
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You can pick to have a standard intro text (NEJ) that the students will see once they start to place their submissions or you can write you own custom ones (JA).
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Press “Nästa” (Next)
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Now fill in the assignment details with the clear instructions. Make sure that IF the assignment is adding to their grade, check the “Uppgiften är Examinerande” to “Ja” (yes) with green.

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Save when done (”Spara”)
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You now have it in your list and can also add the details to it.
As if there are to be any specific questions in the test with points or just basic upload of a PDF file, ZIP file or linking their Github etc.

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Once you’ve selected the assignment you wand to edit you can either edit the details (Detaljer) again, OR add the actual needed content for the assignment (Attachments, links etc).

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Remember to have scores on for the examinations and remember:
0= fail IG, 1= pass G, 2=passing with distinctions VG
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Now you have CREATED the assignment, but the student can’t see it still. So you have to GIVE them the assigment - this is the actual time they’ll see it and can actually submit to it.

Go to “kursomgångar”

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Select your course & group
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You’ll see all your students and can from here both GIVE them assignments as well as GRADE them (more in the section below).

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Select the students you want to give the assignment to, or select ALL (the top checkbox)
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Select “åtgärder” (actions) and then “Lägg till uppgift på markerade kurser” (Give out assignment to selected).
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Search and select the assignment (Sök uppgift) and place the deadline. (”Har Deadline”)
Then press “Spara” when you´re done. (Done)
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They now have the assignment assigned to them!


Must always be submitted in omniway, no other channels(!!)
Should be done within 2 weeks of the final submission time.
After all the students have handed in their submissions via Omniway, you should download it as a spreadsheet file (Excel). This file should be sent to EC’s utbildningsledare (Molly & Madeleine) via Teams, (NOT email, due to privacy concerns).

The students always have 2 additional attempts of each of their examinations, we must also place this in our calendar as well as “Uppgifter” in Omniway.

The first additional attempt is 4 weeks after the 1st final submission time Our grading of this attempt should be done within 2 weeks of the first additional attempt
The second additional attempt is 3 weeks after the first additional attempt submission time Our grading of this attempt should be done within 2 weeks of the first additional attempt

EC utbildning also have their own additional third (3rd) follow up examination sessions for students to “catch up” if they miss a grade, this info will come from the school however and usually is once (1) per semester. It is good that we are aware or this third attempt, but we should not tell students this, as EC themselves regulates this

To grade a student on an assignment , do the following.

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Feedback to students

When grading submissions it’s important to also write feedback to the students. Leaving feedback such as “good work” isn’t sufficient. The feedback should give a short explanation to the grade. If the student didn’t receive the highest grade the feedback has to include what’s missing to reach that. If a student gets IG we need to explain what’s missing to reach G. And of course you can also write good work or even better, specify what was good.
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