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Bebot Academy

Working as Service Designer & Workshop Facilitator in Saltolab, 2022


Bebot was looking to open a new business unit by developing the first school of Conversational Design to professionalize and grow the discipline at a regional level.

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Project overview

Trigger: "What the conversational design academy means to me"
With the objectives defined, we decided to support the team in creating a shared image of how the academy would look in the short, medium, and long term to reverse engineer a plan for the steps to take:
1. Defining a long-term picture of the academy that is shared by the entire team.
2. Obtaining the picture of an MVP that can be implemented in 2022.
3. Falling in love with the concept of the academy as a project.
4. Defining roles for project execution and logistics.

Facilitation Goal

To support the team of 5 people in building a joint vision of the academy, defining the scope for an initial MVP, and the steps to make it a reality this year.‍

Facilitation Strategy

To achieve this, I designed and co-facilitated with my partner 3 sessions where we came out with 1) alignment, 2) ideation, and 3) planning through exercises and techniques such as How Might We, User Journey Mapping, Storyboard, Decision Axes, and other ideation and voting dynamics.

The North

The team aligned into "The Minimum Viable Academy" and from there we initiated a workshop series focused on envisioning, planning, and shaping this endeavor.
We suggest the concept of creating the smallest version or iteration of an academy that is still functional and valuable in the present time. It implies developing an academy with essential features and content that meet the current needs and expectations, and can be further expanded or refined in the future based on feedback and evolving requirements
From this board we developed a workshop results report to guide the team into actionable steps in the months that followed. Reflecting on the accomplishments the academy has made and the impact it is having in the field of conversational design fills me with joy and gratitude for having been a part of its creation.
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Captura de pantalla 2024-01-10 a las 18.27.18.png
Captura de pantalla 2024-01-10 a las 18.27.50.png

How will conversational experiences be in 25 years?

The founders of the academy made a chart combining +200 responses of their students. .

My Inputs

Project Management: I crafted and implemented a collaborative work roadmap to define and produce results with the client.
Team Interview: to understand the service design scope, audience and goals, I performed a series of stakeholder interviews.
Facilitation Goals Definition and Team Alignment: I briefed the project in a document in order to ensure team alignment throughout the process.
Collaboration and Input Gathering: Collaborating with the client, I gathered inputs and material to inform the ideation dynamics and the decision making process.
Workshop Design: I collaborated with my co-facilitator partner to design and create the workshop space, supplies and training materials.
Workshop Facilitation: I co-facilitated the 3-series workshops.
Bring All and Everyone Together. I synthesized all key points to really get to the heart of what people are saying and how they wanted to proceed.
Workshops Report and Next Steps Roadmap: This report assisted project managers prioritize ideas and define the project scope for the next quarter.

Feel free to reach me in case you want to see more details of this project. I can walk you through the Design Sprint workshop that I co-facilitated, design files related to the project, impact metrics and much more.
Due to confidentiality agreements, I cannot disclose more information publicly.

Made by with ❤ and good wi-fi in Barcelona · 2024. This is a work in progress so feel free to offer me any suggestions to keep improving.

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