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Notes on Savings w/ Fleet

Employer Savings

Pre-tax Savings (Regulation)

Savings on Compliance Fines (Regulation)

T&E Expense Management Savings (Float/Brex)
Annual corp card fees $475
SaaS savings switching out of expense management systems ~$450
Time Savings

Hiring transportation consultants / implementation fees
20k - 100k savings

Headcount savings for management overhead
0.5 operations person for interacting with each vendor on a monthly basis
0.5 transportation manager person answering emails and FAQ questions
72.5k / yr for >500 employees

Recruiting & Retention Savings
“Employers see turnover drop by as much as 30% in the first year” - Alice Financial
Costs as much as 37% of a person’s annual salary to replace
1 in 4 employees leaves because of a bad commute
cost to replace = 100000*38% = 38k
0.25*38k (since 1 in 4 leaves) = 9.5k
saving 30% drop in churn, so you save 30% of that = 2850 min savings

Productivity gains
Time savings
According to the 2021 , employees who commute by car experience an average 54 hours in commute delays annually. Research shows that successful TDM can reduce drive alone rates by 30-40%. So, if we look at the impact on 100 employees, 30 - 40 of them will save those 54 hours in commute delays. For employees making 100k annually, that translates to productivity savings of $2,769 per employee, or $110,764 for 40 employees (high). For employees making 70k annually, that translates to productivity savings of $1,817 per employee or $54,513 for 30 employees (low)
Decreased absenteeism
Research suggests that making commuting more manageable can reduce absenteeism by 15-20%. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the absence rate for full time and salary workers is 2.8% or 7.3 days a year. More manageable commutes could effectively reduce days missed to 5.85. For 100 employees making 100k a year, more manageable commuting could save employers $61,536 in absenteeism related productivity losses (high). For 100 employees making $70k a year, that total would be $40,380 (low).
Healthier employees
A from the Integrated Benefits Institute (IBI), a nonprofit health and productivity research organization, concludes that illness-related lost productivity costs employers an additional 60 cents for every dollar they spend on healthcare benefits. The CDC reports that active commuting is associated with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases, and there is a robust body of research demonstrating better health outcomes, particularly cardiovascular health, for employees who take active commutes. Additionally, research shows that employees who drive to work experience higher levels of commute stress as well as higher blood pressure than their colleagues who commute by bike or walking. Improving health outcomes through active commuting has the potential to significantly reduce illness-related lost productivity costs to employers.
Employers pay an average of $6,200 in healthcare costs per employee annually. Using the figure from IBI, employers face an additional $3,720 in illness-related loss productivity costs, per employee, per year.
Oja P, Vuori I, Paronen O. Patient Educ Couns 1998;33(1 Suppl):S87-94.
Tudor-Locke C, Ainsworth BE, Popkin BM. Sports Med 2001;31(5):309-13.
Wener RE, Evans GW. A morning stroll: levels of physical activity in car and mass transit commuting. Environ Behav 2007;39(1):62-74.
Lee IM, Manson JE, Paffenbarger RS Jr, editors. Epidemiologic methods in physical activity studies. New York (NY): Oxford University Press; 2009.
Gordon-Larsen P, Boone-Heinonen J, Sidney S, Sternfeld B, Jacobs DR Jr, Lewis CE. Arch Intern Med 2009;169(13):1216-23.
Healthier, happier employees
Time lost: By 2017, a single commuter sat in traffic, on average, for an extra 54 hours a year. Employees spend 60% of the time they save commuting performing work.
The last way your employees’ commute may be costing you is through lost productivity. Research from the indicates that commuting costs America $90 billion dollars per year in lost productivity.
Furthermore, if an employee becomes disengaged in their work, this costs your business , and

Environmental / Sustainability Savings
Tracking, automation, reporting
Time Savings
HR, Energy/Facilities teams
~16x5x45/hr... a week of work, every 6 months
Survey software, collate and extrapolate data, hire analysts
20k per survey

Discounted carbon offset savings
ClimeCo, Earthup partnership gets us $5/ton (avg rate is $8/ton) = $3/ton savings
Driving by Car, commuting in bay area, 5 round trips a week
Cost to Offset: $110.85
Tonnes of Carbon: 7.15
Avg cost: $15.5 per tonne
Fleet cost: $5 per tonne
Savings: $10.5 per tonne
Dollar Savings: $75.1 per employee [110.85-(7.15*5)]
Lower end, $10 per ton
direct LEED reporting

Employee Savings

Pre-tax Savings

transit: $270
parking: $270
max annual commuter account contributions (pre-tax spend): $
Avg. Employees save $700 annually
How the savings are calculated

@Annual Employee Pre-Tax Savings
Annual Employee Pre-Tax Savings
There are no rows in this table

Commute spend savings

The corporate discounts we've secured range from 5-20% per trip via our Flex Mobility Cards.
On avg. workers spend between $2-$5k annually on commuting. These savings can really add up across a workforce. If just 100 employees commute using services with Fleet’s corporate pricing, they save up to $8.3k monthly and up to $100k annually.
Using Revel as an example, Fleet automatically processes a 20% discount for all trips paid via our Flex Mobility Cards.
The regular pricing is $1 to unlock + $0.49/minute after. A 20 minute ride would normally cost $10.80.
Through Fleet, commuters receive 20%, so that same 20 minute ride would cost $8.64 saving $2.16 per trip .
These savings can really add up across a workforce. If just 100 employees commute with this service through Fleet even for 10 days a month, they save over $4.3k monthly and over $52k annually.

ROI Calculators

Pre Tax


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