The Baltimore Catechism No. 1

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Lesson 7: On Our Lord's Passion, Death, Resurrection, & Ascension

Q. 78. What did Jesus Christ suffer?

A. Jesus Christ suffered a bloody sweat, a cruel scourging, was crowned with thorns, and was crucified.

Q. 79. On what day did Christ die?

A. Christ died on Good Friday.

Q. 83. Why did Christ suffer and die?

A. Christ suffered and died for our sins.

Q. 89. On what day did Christ rise from the dead?

A. Christ rose from the dead, glorious and immortal, on Easter Sunday, the third day after His death.

Q. 91. After Christ had remained forty days on earth, whither did He go?

A. After forty days Christ ascended into heaven, and the day on which He ascended into heaven is called Ascension day.
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