Prejudice, Discrimination, Oppression, Bigotry & How to be an Ally

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LGBTQ+ Community Marginalization

What does LGBTQIA+ stand for?

LGBTQIAP+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Aromantic and Agender, Pansexual, and more! It encompasses different sexual and romantic orientations as well as genders. (The A doesn’t stand for ally btw)

Various Definitions

Homosexual/homoromantic: Used to describe someone romantically and/or sexually attracted to only the same sex/gender.
Bisexual/biromantic: Used to describe someone romantically and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender, usually including their own gender.
Transgender: Used to describe someone whose gender does not correspond with the gender they were assigned at birth.
Queer: A word that can encompass anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community, i.e. someone who is not straight and/or cisgender. However, do not refer to someone as queer without their permission as some people are uncomfortable with this term.
Asexual: Used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction to any sex or gender.
Aromantic: Used to describe someone who does not experience romantic attraction to any sex or gender.
Non binary: Used to describe someone whose gender does not fit the gender binary, i.e. someone who is neither a girl nor a boy.
Pansexual/panromantic: Used to describe someone romantically and/or sexually attracted to people regardless of gender.
Omnisexual/omniromantic: Used to describe someone romantically and/or sexually attracted to all genders. Similar to pansexual and panromantic, however, omnisexual and omniromantic people can have preferences. They are still conscious of gender.
Polysexual/polyromantic: Similar to bisexual/biromantic. Used to describe someone romantically and/or sexually attracted to multiple but not all genders.

Check out some more definitions here:

What does each flag represent?

This is the rainbow pride flag meant to represent the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole!
This is the MLM (Men loving men) flag!
This is the bisexual pride flag!
This is the pansexual pride flag!
This is the lesbian pride flag!
This is the asexual pride flag!
This is the transgender pride flag!
This is the intersex pride flag!
This is the non binary pride flag!
This is the aromantic pride flag!
This is the omnisexual pride flag!
This is the polysexual pride flag!

How are LGBTQIA+ people discriminated against?

How LGBTQIA+ struggles and climate change are closely linked?

Everyone is affected by climate change in different ways. Some people may be more drastically affected based on their socioeconomic status, the area in which they live in, and more. Being a marginalized group, LGBTQIA+ individuals are also among people who have a higher risk of being affected by climate change.
This is due to homelessness and unemployment rates among the LGBTQIA+ population. , “LGBTQ youth and young adults are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than their straight and cisgender peers.” It is estimated that 20-40% of homeless youth identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. This is disproportionate to the overall percentage of LGBTQIA+ people across the globe.
Furthermore, LGBTQIA+ individuals are more likely to face unemployment. Studies on unemployment rates, especially those conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, have found that LGBTQIA+ people have faced greater economic insecurity during this public health crisis in contrast to straight/cisgender individuals.
How is this all related to climate change?
It is undeniable that one’s socioeconomic status can completely impact their quality of life. Economic insecurity is analogous to less preparedness for health issues as well as climate phenomena such as natural disasters. As LGBTQIA+ have disproportionate rates of homelessness, they may not have proper protection from events such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires, etc. With the exacerbation of climate change, we will expect to see more natural disasters / extreme weather events all of which will impact people with a lack of access to resources.
Sources to check out:

What are the different pronouns?

Ex: She is really nice. Her cat is adorable.
Ex: He is really nice. His cat is adorable.
Ex: They are really nice. Their cat is adorable.
she/they he/they they/she they/he
Ex: Xe is really nice. Xir cat is adorable.
Ex: Ze is really nice. Zir cat is adorable.
Ex: Fae is really nice. Faer cat is adorable.
And more!
The last three pronouns listed are less common pronouns, often referred to as neopronouns. You can learn more about neopronouns
. Unfortunately, many people are not accepting of such pronouns. Even if you “don’t understand” people who use such pronouns, you should strive to be accepting. You should always be respectful of people’s pronouns and ensure to create a safe and welcoming environment for them. It is not your place to dictate someone’s gender or pronouns! They know themselves better than you.
Pronoun page thing from Grace
If you mess up, just quickly correct yourself and move on!

How can I know what pronouns to use for someone?

If you don’t see someone’s pronouns in their Slack profile, you can always DM to ask!

What is the correct language to use when talking about LGBTQIA+ issues?

Do not use derogatory terms such as slurs when referring to LGBTQIA+ individuals unless you are apart of the LGBTQIA+ community and know for a fact that the individual you are referring to won’t be bothered by the term. Some people are also uncomfortable with the term queer, as it as been used as a derogatory term in the past. Some people choose to label themselves as queer. When talking about transgender people, avoid saying transgendered or a transgender, as these can be offensive. You can simply refer to non transgender people as cisgender.

What should I do if someone makes a homophobic/transphobic/biphobic etc. remark?

It can be difficult to call people out, especially friends, for their discrimination towards LGBTQIA+ people. However, it is quite important in order to increase societal acceptance of LGBTQIA+ people as well as awareness of LGBTQIA+ issues. You should do your best to let them know that their statement is offensive to the LGBTQIA+ community and explain why it may be offensive. You don’t need to start an argument, try to increase their understanding about the topic and look through a different perspective.

Ancient LGBTQ+ History

Same-sex couples have been depicted in many civilizations, particularly in art. This can be observed in Mesolithic rock art as well as drawings made during the Neolithic Era and Bronze Age. Virtually all ancient civilizations have evidence of same-sex relationships, as well as third genders.

19th & 20th Century LGBTQ+ History

21st Century LGBTQ+ History

Different sections for gender and sexual/romantic orientations
lgbtq+ history across the world

discuss differences in racism among different ethnic groups
The general section needs sources for info on general topics like show how queerphobia manifests in the 5 levels of oppression, It should have very general resource links in the first page and have sub pages for issues facing each community
Some definitions we should have: gender expression, gender identity
Sub-sections on heteronormativity, pronouns, gender binary, representation, tokenism, microaggressions, stereotypes, rainbow capitalism, fetishization, Resources for lgbtqia+ Section out the resources by type: social media posts, articles, videos, websites, etc., Get rid of the long paragraphs and replace with links Highlight the difference of struggles between lgbtq+ in the global north and those in the global majority Split it up by the 5 levels of oppression keep section on how to be an ally to the queer community, how queer people can support each other, intersectionality, intersectionality with the climate crisis

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