Racism + White Supremacy

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Indigenous people

people working on this section:
Split it up by regions across the world: North America, Latin America, Europe, sub-saharan Africa, western asia + north africa, Asia, Australia, etc.
history of racism across the world for each race
Highlight the difference of struggles between BIPOC in the global north diaspora and those in the global majority
cultural appropriation, fetishization, microaggressions, slurs, discuss differences in racism among different ethnic groups, representation, tokenism
issues facing each race
Highlight the difference of struggles between BIPOC in the global north diaspora and those in the global majority
There are many stereotypes about Native culture, perhaps too many to discuss. One stereotype could be that all Natives like in teepees and wear headdresses. This is blatantly false. Not all tribes utilized either items. Taking and appropriating sacred items is NEVER OK. This includes, “Native-inspired” jewelry and other items, headdresses, traditional wear etc. It is ok to buy Native made items like jewelry etc. when it is designated that these items can be used and bought my non-Native people. If it it isn’t specified ask! You are doing a good thing by buying Native, as Native people give back to their communities and you are helping support Native people.
Incorrect Terms + Racial Slurs
There are many different ways to refer to Indigenous people.
Indigenous means someone native to a place. This can encompass people who are Native American, Aboriginal, and First Nations. First Nations is a term that is most widely used in so called Canada. Aboriginal is mostly used in the context of so called Australia. Native American refers to the people Native, or Indigenous, to the Americas. Many people infer this to mean Native to our modern construction of America, or the United States, but it can also mean Native to any of the Americas including South, Central, etc. American Indian, or Indian are also used.
blood quantum
DO NOT call someone an Indian, unless they express to you that is what they wish to be called.
This is an incorrect way to refer to someone, and a term that can only be reclaimed by Indigenous peoples. American Indian is more often used a political title, as it is present on the Census etc. it also is often included with the terms Native Alaskan and Native Hawaiian. People who are part of what is now known as “America.”

Another new term that you may see is NDN. This is a shortened version of Native Indian, and should be used by Native themselves, not you. Additionally, many Native people prefer to be called by their peoples or Nations name. Example, if someone is Nahua, they may prefer being called Nahua, a specific people, rather than an umbrella term like Indigenous, Furthermore, many Native people are also hesitant of the term Native American, as it equates a colonial concept (America), with non-colonial people. While many people do not have these feelings, be aware of them.
land back
This is extremely offensive no matter intention. Additionally, try to avoid using Indian, unless someone designates this is how they wished to be referred too. When pronouncing Native names and places, do your best to pronounce them correctly. You can reference tribal sites etc. to try to find a correct pronunciation. When pronouncing things with their correct pronounciation it is a sign of respect.
Spirit Animals and other concepts of Native culture
You don’t have a spirit animal unless you are Indigenous. That’s it. To make jokes or take a “spirit animal quiz” while at face value might look harmless, it perpetuates myths and stereotypes about Indigenous culture. A spirit animal is a deep connection, for a Native person, not something that a settler can take a quiz on and identify with. It is also important to note that in many places across the world, at a certain point, the practicing of Indigenous religion and spirituality was banned and punishable. Therefore, as a settler, to make fun out of sacred Indigenous practices is also to ignore the long history of violent colonialism that continues to this day.
afro indigenous
Police brutality
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