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Eric Koleda's Packs

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My Packs

The Packs (extensions) I've created for Coda.
By day I work as a Developer Advocate for Coda helping others build Packs, but at night I like to tinker on my own Packs. Below is a list of all of the Packs I published. You can find the source code for most of them in .
Total Packs:

Get the latest Air Quality Index (AQI) information for your area.
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Apps Script
Get information about your Google Apps Script projects.
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Create ASCII art out of any text.
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Bullet Graph
Generate bullet graphs from the data in your Coda doc.
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Convert text to other cases, like snake, camel, and title.
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Cat Photos
What every Coda doc needs: more cat photos!
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Check Host
Check website access and measure the response times from across the world.
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Use an online file convert convert files and images to different formats.
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College Football Data
Get information, stats, and scores about college football games.
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Date Icon
Display a date using a simple icon that looks like a calendar.
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The avatar library you've always been looking for.
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Visualize the difference between two pieces of text.
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Email Addresses
Utility formulas for working with email addresses.
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ezeep Blue Printing
Print files from a Coda doc with the press of a button.
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Favicon - Website Icons
Easily get the favicon (tab icon) for any website.
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Connect to your Fitbit products to track your steps, weight, and other data.
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Flight Codes
Get information about an airport, airline, or flight.
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Formula Metadata
Get information about the formulas in the Coda formula language.
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Google Safe Browsing
Identify unsafe websites across the web.
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Handlebars Templates
Use the Handlebars templating engine to replace placeholders in text.
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Determine which holidays fall on a date, and list all of the holidays for the year.
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Make requests to a testing endpoint.
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Export events in iCal format to easily add them to your favorite calendar apps.
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Turn emojis into large images you can embed in your doc.
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Get geolocation information about IP addresses.
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JSON Escape
Escape text so it's safe to insert into a JSON string.
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Create, validate, and parse JSON Web Tokens.
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Mailto Links
Quickly generate a link that when clicked start composing a new email.
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Create drafts in Medium from your Coda docs.
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Quickly generate tables of mock (fake) data.
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Net Promoter Score - NPS
Calculate the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) from survey results.
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Draw UML diagrams based on a simple syntax.
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Packs Metadata
It's a Pack that gets information about Packs. 🤯
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Philips Hue
Control your Philips Hue smart lights from a Coda doc.
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Phone Numbers
Utility formulas for working with phone numbers.
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Placeholder Images
Generate placeholder images with customizable sizes, text, and colors.
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Preview Markup
Generate a preview of HTML or markdown content.
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Advanced regular expression formulas that can be used to extract and escape text.
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Run your playbooks using a button that triggers an incoming webhook.
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Rich Text Tools
Formulas for working with rich text as HTML and Markdown.
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Seinfeld Quotes
"Would it kill you not to be so funny all the time?"
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Shorten Number
Abbreviate numbers using letter suffixes (1.2k, 4m, etc)
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View and edit your sheets from within Coda.
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Query and load open data in your Coda docs.
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Generate variations of headlines or ad text using the spintax format.
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Quickly calculate how long you've been on a streak.
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Table SQL
Query tables across your Coda docs using SQL.
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Taylor Swift
Get basic information about Taylor Swift's albums, songs, and lyrics.
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Team Glossary
Lookup terms from a team or company glossary, created in a Coda doc.
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Temp File
Generate a temporary file using a formula.
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The Movie Database
Look up the details of your favorite movies and television shows.
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We monitor website changes you don’t have to!
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Web Page Metadata
Get the title, icon, and other metadata for any URL.
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