Feature PRD Template

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USSD Solution


The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the USSD solution for addressing offline issues. This Product Requirement Document (PRD) will ensure all stakeholders understand the project goal (why) and scope (what).

Background Context

The USSD solution is being implemented to deploy a USSD and SMS-based dispatching system for fast coordination. Since the realization of issues that arise from low internet connectivity, which can be detrimental in resolving emergency cases, this innovative solution aims to provide speed, efficiency, and reliability. Additionally, the need for real-time updates and performance metrics has driven the need to have data collection updated per time.


The primary objective of this USSD solution is to ensure seamless access to emergency dispatch services regardless of internet connectivity. This will enhance speed, efficiency, and reliability in emergency response, ultimately improving case management by providing clear communication and accurate tracking metrics between Dispatchers and Responders (CBFRs and Ambulance Transporters).

Functionalities for Release

USSD Menu for Emergency Requests: Simple and intuitive USSD menu to request emergency services.
Real-time Updates: Real-time status updates for Dispatchers and Responders.
Data Capture: Capture Dispatcher’s/Responder’s details, Patient's details, location, insurance status, diagnosis, etc.
Integration with Backend Systems: Seamless integration with existing dispatch and responder platforms.
Performance Metrics: Tracking cases attended to, average dispatch time, and average response time.
Training and Support: Training for users to ensure they understand how to use the USSD solution effectively.

Features/User Stories

User Story 1: As a Dispatcher, I want to use USSD to request emergency services when internet connectivity is low, so that I can coordinate responses quickly and efficiently.
User Story 2: As a Responder, I want to receive emergency dispatch requests via USSD, so that I can respond promptly even when there is no internet connection.
User Story 3: As an Administrator, I want to track the performance metrics of emergency responses via USSD, so that I can ensure timely and effective case management.
User Story 4: As a Dispatcher, I want to have real-time status updates for the cases I handle via USSD, so that I can monitor progress and provide necessary support.

Mock-up Samples

Link to User Flow:
Video Demo - Dispatcher Approval:
Video Demo - Responder Acceptance:

Out of Scope

Advanced Analytics Dashboard: Detailed analytics and reporting dashboard will not be included in the initial release due to capacity constraints.
Non-Emergency Services: Implementation of USSD services for non-emergency requests will be considered for future phases.
Customizable USSD Menus: Customizable USSD menu options will not be part of the initial release.

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