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Spreadsheet Upload Functionality for Dispatch App


The purpose of this feature is to ensure proper management of cases attended to offline in low/no-internet conditions on the Dispatch App. Dispatchers can upload a spreadsheet of offline-recorded cases once internet connectivity is restored. The system will then automatically parse the data into the closed cases section of the Dispatch App.

Background Context

In emergency situations where internet connectivity is poor or unavailable, dispatchers resort to recording cases manually offline. However, upon internet restoration, there is a need to upload these recorded cases into the dispatch app to ensure accurate metrics generation and efficient case management.


The objective of this feature is to provide dispatchers with a means to upload offline-recorded cases into the dispatch app, ensuring accurate tracking and management of emergency incidents. This functionality aims to streamline the process of transferring data from offline sources to the dispatch app, reducing manual errors and improving overall efficiency.

Functionalities for Release

The minimum functionalities for release include:
Ability for dispatchers to upload offline-recorded cases via a spreadsheet upload function in the dispatch app.
Automatic parsing of uploaded spreadsheet data into the closed cases section of the dispatch app.
Integration of USSD functionality for cases recorded offline when internet connectivity is poor.
Error handling mechanisms to detect and notify dispatchers of any inconsistencies or errors in the uploaded data.

Features/User Stories

As a dispatcher, I want to be able to upload offline-recorded cases from a spreadsheet into the dispatch app.
As a dispatcher, I want the uploaded spreadsheet data to be automatically parsed and integrated into the closed cases section of the dispatch app.
As a dispatcher, I want to receive notifications of any errors or inconsistencies detected during the spreadsheet upload process.

Process Map


Out of Scope

Due to resource constraints and technical limitations, the following functionalities are out of scope for this release:
Advanced data validation and manipulation features within the spreadsheet upload function.
Real-time synchronization of offline and online data within the dispatch app.

Success Criteria

Successful implementation and deployment of the spreadsheet upload functionality within the specified timeline.
Positive feedback from dispatchers regarding the ease of use and effectiveness of the feature.
Significant reduction in manual data entry errors and improved accuracy of metrics generated from the dispatch app.


Product Management Team
Development Team
QA Team
Emergency Response Teams (CBFRs, Paramedics, etc.)


Availability of development resources and technical support.
Integration with existing dispatch app infrastructure and databases.
Testing and validation of the feature across different devices and network conditions.

Technical Requirements

Development of backend API endpoints for handling spreadsheet uploads and data parsing.
Implementation of frontend UI components for file upload and error handling.
Integration with existing authentication and authorization systems for dispatcher access control.

Risks and Considerations

Potential delays in development due to unforeseen technical challenges or dependencies.
Compatibility issues with different spreadsheet file formats and versions.
Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements during the upload and parsing process.

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