UX Improvements

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Dispatch App

The responder details modal lacks appropriate UI design and appears to be in a broken state, resembling plain HTML markup.
The Emergency cases table on the dashboard fails to display complete table details, which should mirror the table layout on the 'view more' page.
The numbering system for the new emergency cases at the top right of the page lacks intuitiveness and fails to provide clear visual cues.
The positioning and visual presentation of the back button on the report new case form resemble a cancel button rather than a designated back button.
The timer on the report new case form should be strategically positioned to evoke a sense of urgency for dispatchers.
Optional fields should be hidden by default and revealed only when necessary to enhance clarity and reduce visual clutter.
Enhanced navigation options should be implemented for dispatchers to easily move backward and forward within the report new case form.
The error messaging system should provide more specific feedback tailored to the location of the error, using concise and easily understandable language while highlighting the affected fields.
Optimize the 'Request Activities' table by expanding the 'Request Type' column for better readability.
Consider placing the phone number under the name to save space in tables. Implement a table compression feature for 'View More' details.
Rename items in the 'Request Status' column on the Ambulance Request page to 'New Request,' 'Active Request,' 'Completed Request,' and 'Cancelled Request' for clarity.
Improve user experience by using coloured pills for status indicators to provide visual cues.
Address inconsistent typeface issues in the 'Ambulance Request Board.'
On the 'Maps' page, ensure the Responders online card is open by default with the option to minimize.
Adjust the positioning of the 'View Case' button in the 'Inquiry Details' modal.
Provide more detailed information for 'Inquiry Time' on the table, not just an approximate time.
Ensure pagination is consistent across all pages for a smoother user experience.
Enhance the Responders card to display more details, including the Responder's state, and improve font hierarchy. Redesign the 'View Profile' modal for optimal functionality.
Implement a search function and enable filtering by various parameters for the 'Responders' page.
Pay attention to the 'Hospitals' page and redesign the Modal UI from 'View Details' for improved usability.

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