email template and rename it. This is what people will see when you send out emails. (Leave the ‘heart’ button at the bottom and the Updates and Reactions section alone)
Responses won't be saved because this doc is in play modeSubmit
Step 3: Add new updates, requests, and blog posts
Click the button below to add a new update or request. It’s marked as an ‘Update’ by default, but you always drag it down to the ‘Request’ section. Keep these brief, to just 1-2 sentences max. You can always use the Comments field to add more details.
Click the ‘New blog post’ button to add a new blog entry on the
Once you’ve got a few updates to share, check your updates list to make sure everything looks right before you send email updates. Refresh the page if you need to.
Note: Feel free to update the greeting and sign-off sections in the template, but leave the Updates, Requests, and Blog sections alone (unless you’re comfortable with
Note: Only the updates and requests NOT marked as ‘Sent/Don’t send’ are included in the email. This action can also be automated by turning the ‘Send daily updates via email’