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The Scrappy Training Starter Kit
5 Simple Steps

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Meet weekly

Review, discuss, and create goals together
Here’s how...
1. Send reminders one day before each meeting. The success of this group depends on how regular people turn up to weekly sessions
Pro Tip: Save your first email or chat reminder as a template you can copy and paste each week
2. Follow a weekly agenda. Use the same format each week so people know what to expect and how best to prepare.
Pro Tip: Open the in a separate window, next to this page so you can view the questions and keep track of the time simultaneously.
3. Meet up in-person or online. Use the 'Session Tracker’ on this page to keep people on-topic and the meeting on-track.
Pro Tips:
For the best experience, download the Coda app on your phone and use this ‘Session Tracker; on your phone.
45-minute is the recommended weekly session time for groups of 3-4 members to keep things efficient, while giving everyone time to share. For groups of 5-6 members, this may need to be increased to 60 minutes.
As the facilitator/lead of the group, develop the art of engagement—making sure everyone gets a chance to participate/share—while, at the same time, ensuring things move along quickly.
4. Reset & Reuse this tracker. Remember to tap ‘Clear’ before the next sessions to reset all the timers.

Session Tracker

Select the 'Start’ button to start the timer for each section. Select ‘End’ to stop the timer, then select ‘Clear’ at the end of the session to reset all the timers. Pro-tip: By default, the session is set for 45 minutes. Feel free to update the 'Duration’ times until they add up to 60 minutes.
Time Spent
Clear Times


2 mins
⏱ Start
End ⏱

💡 Aha!

Anything new? Anything Interesting?
14 mins
⏱ Start
End ⏱

🤔 Huh?

Anything you’re not sure you agree with? Anything unclear or odd?
14 mins
⏱ Start
End ⏱

✔️ Let’s do this.

Share one thing you’ll try to Stop, Continue, or Start doing differently this next week. Share how last week went.
Use the page to capture what’s shared.
14 mins
⏱ Start
End ⏱


1 min
⏱ Start
End ⏱
There are no rows in this table
45 mins

and see results!

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