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Re-Design for Remote Learning Toolkit
A 5-Step Approach

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#2 Create Outcomes

Start with the ‘end goal’ in mind

Create specific learning outcomes for each week that are aligned to any existing Course Outcomes. Fuzzy learning outcomes lead to fuzzy achievement and learning results, so spend some quality time clarifying what we learners to leave the experience being able to do (not just know) something different.
Here’s how...
1. Review your Course Redesign goal
2. Identify and document Module Outcomes from the existing course
3. Create more specific weekly learning outcomes around key Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours written out as statements.
Pro Tip: One of the easiest ways to remember how to structure Outcome statements is by using the (Audience, Behavior, Conditions, and Degree) as a template.

Course (Re-)Design Goal:
Re-design existing course so it can be delivered as a hybrid course with in-person, online, and asynchronous offline options, while modifying some elements so students are better prepared for success with their Final Term projects

#1 Identify existing Course Outcomes

Copy and paste existing Module Outcomes, or craft new ones below. These will guide you as you design new activities for new remote learning experiences.

Pro Tips:

1. Precede each Module Outcomes with the letter of an alphabet, starting from ‘A’
Example: ‘A. Module_outcome1’, ‘B. Module_outcome2’

2. To remove a Module Outcome from the list, right-click the Module Outcome and select ‘Delete row’

Course Outcomes

Add Course Outcome
Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes
A. Course_outcome1
B. Course_outcome2
C. Course_outcome3
There are no rows in this table

#2 Create more specific Learning Outcomes for each session

1. Copy and paste existing Learning Outcomes, or craft new ones below. These will guide you as you design new activities for each remote learning session.

2. For each Learning Outcome statement, select the overall Course Outcome it aligns with

Pro Tip:
Course re-design projects are a great excuse to re-imagine your existing course.

Use the A.B.C.D. approach to ensure outcomes are SMART:
* AUDIENCE: Who the target Learners are (Capitalize this)
* BEHAVIOR (or Action): What they need to be able to do (keep as lower case)
* CONDITION: Anything they must include or exclude? Any limitations? Any support provided? (keep as lower case)
* DEGREE: Level of proficiency expected (keep as lower case)

For more info, refer to the and .

Create Learning Outcomes

Add New Outcome
Outcome Number
Learning Outcomes
Delete learning outcome
Related Course Outcome
Outcome 01
Outcome 02
Outcome 03
Outcome 04
There are no rows in this table

☝️ Remember to keep these Learning Outcomes in mind as you continue to develop.
They will guide you in the way you organize weekly topics and create relevant activities to support learning.

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