Content planning hub

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Content planning hub

One place to view and track all your content assets, campaigns, and launch calendars.

When it comes to content planning, there are a number of must-have tools to help keep projects in-scope, on-time, and on-budget.

Whether you’re the one casting the vision for the marketing strategy, the one gathering the team around the calendar to schedule campaign launches, or the one writing all the tweets, you’re probably always looking for tools that offer you some of these core functionalities:
task list/Kanban board
calendar or timeline
ideas/assets list
place to write/design
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could plan, organize, and track all your marketing work and do the actual content development in the same place? This template was designed to make it easier for you, so you can move creative content, from the idea stage to launch, without having to bounce around between different environments.

What you can do with this template:

💡 Ideate
suggest an idea and add it to the list or brainstorm with the team
✍️ Plan & organize your thoughts
write creative briefs and include customer stories and quotes
🖥️ Gather research and inspo
add links to other campaign taglines and messaging
🎤 Pitch your ideas
embed images and videos to sell your idea
📆 Schedule & plan resources
throw approved ideas on your campaign calendar to see how it fits in with everything else
✅ Keep everything on track
Move tasks and deliverables from stage to stage from ideation to launch

How to get started

Once you have a pretty good idea of how this tool works, make a copy, clear all the sample data, start filling it in with your own marketing content and campaigns, then delete this intro page to keep things tidy.
Make a copy of this doc for you and your team:
Copy doc
Clear all sample data
Go to and to add new content ideas.
Visit the page regularly to review deadlines and update statuses of approved content.

This doc uses which make it easy to draft and collaborate on briefs and copy drafts directly inside the same table where you’re tracking your work, without the need to pop out to a separate page or doc.
How to delete this page
Animation showing how to delete intro page: right-click options to right of Content planning hub page, then select Delete

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