Students choose or create from scratch an exam to analyse in light of the theory discussed on the module. This can be an achievement test from a primary/secondary/tertiary context, ideally from the contexts in which you observe and teach. How are the course theories relevant to your test? You will comment on and modify/supplement your tests as we cover the relevant theories, gradually improving your tests as the course unfolds. You will use self-, peer- and teacher-review to support you in the process. By the end of the course, you will have re-imagined the test and be ready to present your exam-drafting journeys, providing support for the steps you took in the process and your thinking throughout it. Presentations will take place on 15th and 22nd May 2024.
To share your documents, please name your analysis documents in the following way: Surname_Name_ANALYSIS, and your exam documents: Surname_Name_EXAM, and pop them in this shared folder:
Please use your analysis document as a learner logbook of sorts, to log in your weekly reports of how you’re using the module theories to improve your exam. From now on these will be your weekly portfolio tasks. So, seeing as Wednesday 10th April is non-working, the next deadline for your new log is Monday (15th April). Please include your log entry dates so I can keep track of new entries. Kristina Danilova’s submission is a good example; I hope you find my comments on her work useful to guide yours, too.
The end product of your project should a new, improved exam, supplemented with specific exam activities, not only rough ideas about what can be changed. You might want to use the following checklist to see if you have considered all the key theory we covered on the course:
· Types of exams: placement, diagnostic, aptitude, progress, achievement, proficiency
· Objective vs. subjective assessment (A)
· Criterion-referenced vs. norm-referenced A
· Summative vs. formative A
· High-stakes or low-stakes A
· Traditional vs. alternative A
· Multiple measures A
· Principles of A design: usefulness, validity (content, construct and face validity), reliability (test-, inter- and intra-reliability), practicality, washback, authenticity, transparency, security