
Pre-Training Day 6: Begin The Hype Promotion Guide

Lesson Overview

Why By Hyping and Talking About Your Launch You'll Gain Accountability & Actually Launch
How to Effectively Start Hyping Your Launch
The 7 Steps to Begin Hyping Your Podcast Launch Today
We go into detail about how you can begin to promote and create pressure for your podcast launch before you've created anything and how you can continue to build up pressure by hyping and promoting as you create assets for your show.

Homework Assignment...

Post Your First 'Hype' Post on Social Media About Your Podcast Launch
​Post a Video Into the Facebook Group Sharing Where You're Starting From on Your Journey

Begin the Hype Promo Guide

One of the BIGGEST factors to success with your podcast is HYPE.
And I'm not talking about the kind of online hype that leads to disappointment...
I'm talking about the epic hype train that you can build up as you go through the process of completing the Podcast Profit LAB.
Here's a couple of really big points to consider and why you absolutely need to make sure you're doing this pre-program action step.
Hyping Creates Accountability: If you tease your audience about putting out your podcast, you have to follow through with it. That's HUGE, it means you're going to take this program SERIOUSLY!
Hyping Creates Pressure: All amazing marketing campaigns are built on pressure. When did you first hear about the latest Avengers EndGAME movie? Last year? Two years ago? Creating Pressure for your launch is CRITICAL to your launch week success
Hyping Opens Up Opportunities: "Oh... you're releasing a podcast? I LOVE your topic, i'd love to be featured as a guest." <- these are the kind of conversations which will come about BECAUSE you following this strategy
Let's dive into understanding this in a little more detail...

Hyping Creates Accountability

One of the most undervalued and in my opinion... one of THE SINGLE BIGGEST & MOST VALUABLE aspects to beginning to hype your launch, is you make yourself accountable to getting your podcast launched!
Accountability is HUGE.
Accountability means that your friends, your family, members of your community and your connections are all going to be subconsciously putting positive pressure on you to make sure you launch your podcast.
One thing to realise is there are SO many programs out there where people buy the program and then never launch.
Do you know what the average completion rate is for an online course?
So if you take our program where the goal is to launch a podcast , and we sold it to 20 people, that means if we were running at AVERAGE, we'd have one person launching.
1 person!
(side note: We maintain an average launch rate of over 65% How?? Because we are dedicated to your success every step of the way!)
So what is the big problem as to why only 5% of people are making it through?
And why did SO many people successfully go through our program and launch?
Easy! Accountability & calling their shot.
I didn't see ANY of them talk about launching their show on a SET date.
So your first goal, is to set yourself a launch date and your second goal is to tell everyone about it.
My goal is to get EVERY SINGLE ONE of you reading this launching your podcast at the end of this program.
How are we going to do that?
Daily coaching, accountability, a TON of support & a clear roadmap of what you need to do.
It won't be easy, it WILL be work, but it IS going to be awesome.
What does it start with?
Making a covenant.
How do you actually make a commitment and covenant as opposed to a contract. You have to make a covenant with yourself if you’re going to actually have success.
Here are some fundamental differences: While a contract is legally binding, a covenant is a spiritual agreement. A contract is an agreement between parties while a covenant is a pledge.
You are pledging to yourself and to me, that you are going to do this.
You're not only pledging to me and to yourself... you're pledging to your audience... friends and family.
Make that pledge TODAY.
Are you in?!
If you are, GREAT.
I want you to go to Facebook and type this status...
Something Big Is Coming...
...Month Day, Year < Insert Your Launch Date Here.

If you'd like to set your launch date the same as the group launch date, it will likely be planned for the Monday of Week 5 (Debrief Week) but please refer to the calendar in the 'Start Here Section'.
This is just the first step... Let's move onto the next important reason why Hyping works.
Now go post that status on your personal Facebook page....I'll be here when you get back.

Did you do it??
Okay good, now we can continue.

Hyping Creates PRESSURE

I want to talk very quickly about Avengers End-Game. Love them or hate them, Marvel absolutely dominated the box office with the release of End-Game. But let me ask you a question...
When did you first hear about End Game?
Was it 3 months ago when the big trailer dropped?
Was it 6 months ago when the teaser trailed dropped?
Was it 12 months ago when Infinity WAR Part 1 was released?
Was it 18 months ago when the Infinity War trailer released?
Or was it 30 Months Ago when Marvel announced they were doing 2-part back to back Avengers films a year after one another?
This is important to understand because all great marketing campaigns are built on creating pressure. Your podcast should be no different.
Do you think that cinemas across the WORLD would have sold out 4 weeks before the movie even hit cinemas IF they only announced the movie a month before it was released? How about on the day of release?
No, Nope, No Chance, NADA!
So when is the best time to start soft-promoting your show?
Well... 6 months ago...
when's the next best time? NOW!
So what is the strategy? I'm glad you asked! Keep on reading below :)


Ok so lets' talk about the opportunities you'll get from bringing the HYPE.
One of our students Susan went through the Podcast Profit LAB to launch her podcast.
You'll have the pleasure of meeting her inside the Podcast Profit LAB Facebook Group, she's one of our brilliant students that crushed it with her podcast.
My advice to Susan was simple.
Put yourself out there and TALK ABOUT YOUR SHOW & Podcasting LOTS.
Here's what happened...
Susan took my advice and ran with it.
TALK ABOUT YOUR SHOW, Talk about what it'll be, talk about something new coming, give away hints, give away snippets, let people think they've figured it out.
Be cheeky, have fun and begin to get your message out there.
Using the techniques we'll run through below, Susan got more people reaching out to be on her show and she got more authority in the space.
Pretty neat, right?
So trust me when I say it guys... this works!

Steps To Begin The Hype

Following this hype strategy is going to not only get you excited about your show but also your audience, let's build the pressure in as many ways as we can!
Step 1 - Set Your Intentions - Post on your Facebook Status / Send out an Email / Tell Your Mom / Tell Your Friends... "Something big is coming.... July 1st, 2019!" Set the date folks! <-- and tell your audience to do that too!
Step 2 - Prepare to Document - One of the best ways to build excitement is to not CREATE content, but instead DOCUMENT. Get ready to talk, share, live video, post facebook status's about all of the cool things you'll be learning through this program. Trust me, it's going to build some excitement.
​Step 3 - Widen Your Reach - I sell a private program and tool called Group Hacker for $97 per year. But I'm going to give you guys LIFETIME access to it for FREE. This tool helps you to use your Facebook Profile as a marketing tool. You can go into groups and ADD 100's of people at once who are in your target market. This is a HUGE asset to getting you organically in front of more potential listeners and customers.
​Step 4 - Commit to updates - It doesn't have to be a 1000 word masterpiece, but commit to every day putting out a HYPE related piece of content that gets people excited about your upcoming launch.
Step 5 - Give away progressively more - Think of a movie... First it's an announcement, then its a teaser, then it's a trailer, then it's a full scene, then it's the opening weekend, the red carpet and all of the talk shows! We're going to follow the same format. How can you follow the same format?
Step 6 - Document WHO's Interested - Who engages in your post? Who is excited? Who wants to know more details? Get a spreadsheet together with their full names... we're going to be coming back to these people once we're inside the Podcast Profit LAB to use them to promote your Day 1 Launch.
Step 7 - START - The biggest thing that will hold you back is not making a covenant and a commitment to start. So open up your laptop and Do it. Throughout the challenge, we're going to be making a daily discussion in the Slack group around what we're doing to hype every single day.
It's time to start taking action... head into the Podcast Profit LAB Facebook Group and share a quick video sharing where you are starting from in your journey.
Try to include a little backstory about how you got to where you are today and share what your intentions are for this program.
And if you haven't already posted that status, go onto your personal Facebook page and share a public goal with when you want to launch your podcast!
You can do it simply by saying something like this...
"Something big is coming... 14th November 2019"
Screenshot your status and post it in our group for a #pretrainingchallengecomplete and send everyone to boost/comment on it!

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