Week 4

Day 23: Sales Structure Masterclass

Lesson Overview

Learn the Right Questions You Should be Asking For Your Industry
Learn the Podcast Sales Secret Scripts
Understand What Questions You Need to Ask To Get Your Audience to Ask You For Help
Now that you have the podcast launched it’s time to turn our attention to monetisation.
From our session last week about Podcast Sales Secrets, you should now understand how you can use a podcast to line up your dream customers.
But how do you transition them to a sales conversation? Today we talk you through the process of a sales call and what to look for in your interview to identify a NEED. 

The great thing about a podcast is it’s RECORDED so you can go back through and listen to your podcast guests wants and needs and carefully craft an offer that hits on the points that they need. 

Todays session will also focus on helping you understand how to handle the sales call as well as how to get your podcast guest onto the phone asking about your product or service!

How Long Should This Lesson Take?

I recommend listening to today's training & the deep dive training (1 hour) to really get a good grasp of how to go from podcast interview to sales conversation.
You should also go into the Podcast Sales Secrets section of the membership area and deep dive into the principles outlined in there. (23 videos - 5-10 minutes in length)

Homework Assignment...

Write Out Key Questions For Your Industry That You'd Ask to Pitch Your Guest Effectively
​Start looking through the Podcast Sales Secrets Training
Download & Print the Sales Structure Scripts & Familiarise Yourself with The Layout

#TLDL - Too Long Didn't Listen

This week is all about finding the right questions to ask your industry can help you unlock the answers you need to transition your prospect to a sales call. Asking things like "What's slowing you down in your business right now?" or "With all the success you’ve achieved, what is your biggest challenge now?"
We also give you a sales script to take your interested podcast guests through.


1. How Do You Transition From Interview to Sales Call


2. Asking the Right Questions to Transition from Podcast Interview to Sales Call


3. The Transition From Interview to Sales - The Process of Making An Offer



1. Sales Podcast Questions & How to Ask Them (Live Coaching Call)


Deep Dive Immersion Time Stamps

0:01:10 Call starts & discussion about interviews & Facebook posts
0:08:40 Discussion about the importance of Day 1 Reviews & promotion, Group Hacker Tool & building your list
0:19:56 Conversations that you’re having with your Day 1 Interviewers for the Day 1 Launch
0:23:00 Discussion about email marketing
0:31.00 Nurturing Day 1 Review Partners & future work partners
0:39:20 Questions about i-tunes reviews
0:52:01 Q&A
0:52:56 What is the best way to give freebies & ensure that people give reviews in return?
0:55:30 General discussion about your Day 1 Launch
1:06:28 Call ends

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