Week 2

Day 12: Submitting Your Show

Lesson Overview

iTunes Requirements when submitting your show
How to Submit Your Show to iTunes in Simplecast (DO ASAP)
How to Submit Your Show to Spotify (Do AFTER Launch)
​How to Submit Your Show to Google & Stitcher (Do AFTER Launch)
In today's training we'll be going through all you need to know to get your podcast uploaded to your podcast host. This walkthrough will guide you through the technical aspects of what you need to cover when uploading your podcast to iTunes and other directories.
Note: It's SO CRITICAL that you submit your show to iTunes with plenty of time (1-2+ weeks before launch) to avoid a delayed launch. Sometimes it takes awhile for them to approve your show. Please check their specifications before submitting.
Note: We advise that you wait to submit your show to other RSS feeds (like Spotify, stitcher, google, etc). Why? You want to wait until after you launch so that all the downloads come through iTunes so you get those download numbers. Any downloads that come from spotify/stitcher/google will not count towards ranking in the iTunes charts.
A few days after you launch you can submit your podcast to other RSS feeds like Spotify and Stitcher.

How Long Should This Lesson Take?

If you have all of the assets ready, submitting your show to SimpleCast, iTunes and other directories will take between 30-60 minutes.

Homework Assignment...

Create Your SimpleCast Account & Upload Your Show Assets
​Submit Your Show to iTunes & Other Directories
​Make sure that all of your assets fit the criteria required by Apple

#TLDL - Too Long Didn't Listen

Uploading your Podcast in SimpleCast & Syndicating It to iTunes & Other Directories is super important. In the video below, we walk you through how to do this. The most important things to do are:
Enter Your Credit Card Details Into Simplecast: Without doing this you won't be able to generate an RSS feed URL which is what you need for the next step.
Submit Your Show's RSS Feed to iTunes: In the SimpleCast Show Distribution Menu you need to copy your RSS feed url & follow the on-screen prompts to submit your show to iTunes
Submit Your Show to Other Channels: Whether Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play or other networks, in the Show Distribution Menu you can select and choose which services you want your podcast to appear on.
​Note: We advise that you wait to submit your show to other RSS feeds (like Spotify, stitcher, google, etc). Why? You want to wait until after you launch so that all the downloads come through iTunes so you get those download numbers. Any downloads that come from spotify/stitcher/google will not count towards ranking in the iTunes charts.
Once Setup Once, You're Syndicated Forever: When you setup this show syndication once, every time you upload your show to SimpleCast It'll always be distributed to these platforms.


1. Register For SimpleCast & Enter Your Show Details

2. Entering Your Billing Information For SimpleCast & WHY That's Important

3. Understanding The iTunes Requirements & How to Get Your Show Approved

Important Websites to Help You Through This Process:

4. How to Upload & Input Your Episodes Into SimpleCast


5. What iTunes Category Do I Pick?

6. How to Select My Category In Simplecast


7. How to Submit Your Show to iTunes (Once You're Ready!)

Important note: iTunes can sometimes take up to 10 days to approve your show into their iTunes store, make sure that you are giving yourself enough time between your launch and when your show airs!

8. How to Submit Your Show to The Different Syndication Channels (Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, etc)

Important note: The sound quality is a little wonky on this video but its ok after the first 5 seconds, we know it needs updating and it's on the list :)
We advise that you wait to submit your show to other RSS feeds (like Spotify, stitcher, google, etc). Why? You want to wait until after you launch so that all the downloads come through iTunes so you get those download numbers. Any downloads that come from Spotify/stitcher/google will not count towards ranking in the iTunes charts.

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