Week 2

BONUS: Podcast Editing Training

Lesson Overview

Learn The Podcast Editing Basics
Check Out Our Podcast Editor Q&A
The Importance of The WHO not the HOW
​Writing Your Show Notes
Today we bring in one of our expert's from our agency team Chris. They share with us how to edit and cut together your podcast episodes so that you can master your volume, improve your production quality & smoothly transition your content with your intros and outros.

How Long Should This Lesson Take?

Going in-depth and watching all of the training videos will take between 90-120 minutes. Editing your episodes will depend on the length but expect it to take around an hour.

Homework Assignment...

Download Editing Suite
Watch The In-Depth Audio Editing Training
Edit Completed Day 1 Interviews
​Write Your Episode Show Notes Using The Show Notes Templates
​[Optional]: Transcribe Your Episodes

#TLDL - Too Long Didn't Listen

Today we're conquering podcast editing!
You've probably heard the phrase "its not how you do something, but who is the best person to do something" and when it comes to podcast editing, we firmly believe in outsourcing.
We say this not only because editors live and breath editing, (and will likely do a much better job) but also because it's one less roadblock to keep you from publishing your show.
However, if you're determined to get the job done, we've got our expert editor Chris coming in today to show you how its done so your show can sound as good as the value you're delivering.
Editing Software Options:
Adobe Premiere
Logic Pro
*Our two favorite FREE options


1. The WHO not the HOW & How to Edit Yourself

Make sure to dive into the Podcast Audio Production Training in the membership area to review the training. We have 9 videos on how to use Audacity and 9 videos on how to use Garage Band.

2. [OPTIONAL]: Transcribing Your Podcast Episodes

Transcription... it's something that some podcasters LOVE, and others hate.
But first let's go over the basics.
What is a Transcription?
A transcription is a written or printed version of something i.e. a transcript.
Many podcasters use online tools and services to create a written version of their audio recordings which are typically shared in their show notes.
There's plenty of Pro's and Con's to whether you should use transcriptions or not.
Some people like giving their audience an option to scroll through the whole written transcript of the episodes at a glance.
Others feel like giving your listeners a wall of text isn't elegant or the best use of their time, and many podcasters favour creating show-notes that include bullet-points, time stamps and summaries of what the episode is about.
Whatever your flavour of choice, it's nice to know what kind of choices you have for transcribing!
We have three favorite choices of transcribers to share with you.
- Arguably the industry leader in the field, Rev will transcribe your audio for $1/per minute, and get it back to you within 12 hours with 99% accuracy.
- One of our go-to's for all things transcribing. Otter will allow you to transcribe up to 600 minutes of transcription for FREE each month! For new podcasters, it's our transcriber of choice!
- Offering a high-quality speech-to-text software which transcribes at around 90-95% accuracy but for 1/10th of the price of REV.com, Temi is a popular choice for those who are looking to save a little money, and don't mind the occasional mistake.

The WHO not the HOW

Overwhelmed with the thought of editing 8 launch episodes before you launch?
We've been there, and learned our lesson.

We firmly believe in the WHO not the HOW. Please refer to the Additional Packages in the section above if you'd like to outsource work to our professional and trusted team members.
Personally speaking, it takes less time for a professional to edit our podcast episodes or create graphics than it would for us to figure out how to do it...plus I know if I hire a professional it will come out better. Also the time I spent figuring it all out, could be spent making $$ doing what I'm good at. Time is money so we always outsource when we can. It's the secret to scaling.
We've created some additional packages that will help you take some work off your plate as you go through the program! See below.
At any time you can refer to the Black Book (in the Resource Section under "Other Guides" to find more of our team members and partners we love and trust. It's basically access to our personal rolodex!


1. Live Q&A With Chris Our Audio Editor (Live Coaching Call)


Deep Dive Immersion Time Stamps

0:00:10 Call starts
0:01:45 Introducing Chris
0:03:05 What’s one of the biggest mistakes that you see people making?
0:05:10 Are there any benefits for people investing in a higher end editing suite?
0:06:55 When using an Apple MAC, is Audacity or GarageBand more user friendly?
0:07:54 To what extent is it necessary to edit my recording?
0:10:08 With Zoom, how do we ensure the quality is the best possible?
0:11:10 Is Zoom one of the best to use for these recordings? Or is there better software?
0:13:20 Do you have any tips regarding background music, intros & outros?
0:16:00 Question about the tutorial video and getting set up with other software
0:18:30 Is it okay to use a Blue Yeti microphone with a USB?
0:19:14 When I record I get an echo due to the room I use. Can this be removed with editing?
0:21:43 Question about using Camtasia software?
0:23:29 Should I get someone else to edit my audio, as I am not very techy.
0:25:07 Does the Podcasts success depend on the sound quality of my audio?
0:26:20 Do you have any tips on the main focus initially when editing your Podcast?
0:28:40 Can you talk us through the editing process & what is important?
0:31:05 Microphone volume? Is it better to speak close to the microphone or not?
0:33:01 Discussion about software related note taking in GarageBand & Logic
0:36:05 Question about how you save your recordings
0:37.20 Question about acoustic foam & reflection filters for dealing with echo
0:40:25 ID3 Tags for Podcasts
0:41:43 Does ID3 tagging help with SEO?
0:42:20 Show notes - Any good advice as to what should or shouldn’t be included?
0:43:55 Question about pop filters
0:46:33 Quick recap of tasks still to do, including template & calendars
0:51.10 Is it appropriate to tag my guests on Facebook as a teaser?
0:55:28 Is it worth sending the URL to the guests, asking them if they would like to interact with the post that you’ve created on Facebook?
0:56:58 Discussion about promoting the launch & the responses you receive
1:05:44 Call ends

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