Open Energy Docs

Considerations Before You Start

This section is designed primarily as a summary tool and should not be used in place of more detailed operational and technical documentation elsewhere in this site.

2.1. Introduction (Before you start)

This section provides ‘at a glance’ lists of items that new members will need to consider in order to meet operational requirements. It may also be useful for existing members to revisit when they publish () or access () a new dataset.
As evolves, this section will be updated to form a definitive checklist for compliance. At present however, it is designed to outline general considerations regarding skills, capabilities and tasks that organisations will require in order to take part in the ecosystem.
The tables below outline considerations for and . Each item includes a suggestion of its relevance to different areas of readiness: commercial, operational, technical, and legal. It is suggested that prospective members proactively engage teams or staff members with responsibilities for the above four areas of readiness prior to joining Open Energy as members. Please note that this section is designed to support members to prepare for data sharing. However, sharing of real data will not commence until the
goes fully live.

2.2. Considerations for Data Providers

Table 1
Readiness area(s)
Membership contract and fees
Contract review by legal counsel Contract signature by person with appropriate authority Membership fees paid
Legal, commercial
Onboarding to the Directory
Generic contact email addresses and organisation details provided to Open Energy for publishing in the Directory Software statement created (instructions) Transport certificate created (instructions)
Operational, technical
Metadata file creation
Applies to all datasets, both Open Data and Shared Data: Metadata file created for each dataset Metadata file published and available on a public web server (such as public GitHub repo) Records of the metadata file location created (instructions) Verification that Open Energy automated processes have picked up the file and surfaced contents in Search
Secure API creation and deployment compliant with Open Energy subset of FAPI specification
For example, using one of the following methods: Deploy a Data Provider API to EC2 using the walkthrough here Use our Python Support Library to build a Data Provider API on your own infrastructure Create a Data Provider based on the FAPI subset defined in Common Security Requirements using your choice of language and deployment infrastructure
Creation of a rule, or rules, for each dataset and publication of rule(s) in the metadata file
Dataset assigned to an Open Energy Sensitivity Class Access rule or rules created, for each of which: Data Access Conditions are specified A grant of Capabilities is articulated Any accompanying Obligations are articulated
Operational, commercial, technical
Internal legal sign-off for rules
Internal legal advice sought on converting any existing Shared data licenses into Open Energy Capabilities and Obligations Internal legal sign-off granted for the creation of all data ‘access rules <Access Control and Capability Grant Language>’
Technical personnel can use Python programming language, or adapt existing Open Energy code and tooling to alternative language(s) that are used internally Technical personnel understand the basics of the FAPI authorization process as described in Common Security Requirements
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2.3. Considerations for Data Consumers

Table 2
Readiness area(s)
Membership contract and fees
Contract review by legal counsel Contract signature by person with appropriate authority Membership fees paid
Legal, commercial
Onboarding to the Directory
Generic contact email addresses and organisation details provided to Open Energy for publishing in the Directory Software statement created (instructions) Transport certificate created (instructions)
Operational, technical
Locate Shared data sets
Use of Open Energy Search
Operational, technical
Access Shared Data
Methods including one of the following: Use a web-based Python integrated development environment of your choice (e.g. Jupyter-Lab, Google Collab, or similar) to access and display Shared data (step-by-step video) Use Open Energy’s Python library to access Shared data from your own code (example) Use tools or languages of your choice to access a Shared Data API.
Use Shared data in compliance with the appropriate licence model
Ensure your organisation - and any individuals handling the data - have a clear understanding of Open Energy Capabilities and Obligations for the use of datasets Gain internal legal sign-off for data use, if applicable Payment of related fees to the Data Provider if applicable For Data Consumers which are also Service Providers: Check your understanding of the onward sharing permissions for any data, or derivatives, you are passing onto your customers. Before passing on data or derivatives to your customers, ensure your organisation - and any individuals handling the data - have a clear understanding of Open Energy capabilities and obligations associated with onward sharing of data, and of the data pyramid.
Business planning
For Data Consumers who are Service Providers: Establish or review your business model for providing services based on, or linked to, data access via Open Energy in alignment with the agreed capabilities and access controls for the datasets the service will rely on. Where a service uses multiple datasets, including those beyond Open Energy, ensure that licences are compatible to the service being provided and that all licences are appropriately credited.
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