This site is currently under maintenence (not done)
This section serves to provide a few resources, articles and courses that may be interesting for high school students interested in marine biology. Enjoy!
Online courses
Online courses are a great option if you want to learn at your own pace. A series of interesting courses are available online. Here are a few:
Large Marine Ecosystems: Assesment and Management- University of Cape Town
This 7 week long course provides an insight into a new and upcoming conservation and sustainability technique: Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). Conducted under the guidance of Dr Kenneth Sherman Ph.D and conducted by Coleen Money, this course is brought by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Global Environment Facility as well as the United Nations Development Program.
While this is inherently a Marine Conservation course, it covers many interesting topics that one would be studying when in college about marine biology such as the study of Diatoms and phytoplankton.
The course is available for free (without a certificate) as well as payed (with a certificate)
that tabulates and provides a directory of marine flora and fauna residing in American waters. Great if you want to do additional research on a certain animal!
this website is in relation to the “Can seaweed save the world?” article (see articles). it is a database on the different types of macroalgae and ocean forests.
it is a wonderfully interactive site, the project encourages people that are sighting macroalgal forests to submit it to their database to provide for further scientific research due to the dynamic nature of marine forests.
This is a series of absolutely inspiring ted talks by marine enthusiasts all over the world, ranging from biologists to conservational specialists. Talks about why the ocean should be preserved and how it can be preserved are seen in these videos that are simply loaded with information
This blog is really great for a lot of new interesting developments in Ocean Conservation, his blogs are interesting to read and provide new insights into many happenings in the Ocean world
It is slightly opinionated, being a blog, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.