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Edbrand Newsletter October 2022

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Edbrand Newsletter

November 2022
Welcome to the November edition of Edbrand's Newsletter. In this issue, learn how to plan for upcoming SAT/ACT tests, understand how to deal with early decision rejections, get to know Edbrand mentors & keep an eye out for our upcoming events.

Important: Dates for the next SAT and ACT tests

11 Mar 2023* - Register by 24 Feb 2023
6 May 2023* - Register by 7 April 2023

*Tentative date for the new Digital SAT
10-11 Feb 2023 - Register by 6 Jan 2023
15 April 2023 - Register by 10 March 2023

*Please look up respective websites for more test dates in 2023. Always consult the official website to plan and register for these tests.

If you are an 11th grader then this timeline will be relevant for you:

Screenshot 2022-09-08 at 10.19.14 AM 1.png

If you are a 10th grader then this timeline will be relevant for you:

Screenshot 2022-09-08 at 10.22.20 AM.png

Read: Dealing with Early Decision Rejections
As early decision, early action, and rolling admission results come in this month, it is a time of very mixed emotions. Students receiving acceptance letters will of course be happy, not to mention relieved. But for many more students who receive rejection letters, there will be sadness, disappointment, and doubt.

Meet Edbrand Mentor: Ishaan Banerji


Meet Ishaan Banerji. A writing and project mentor at Edbrand for nearly a year, Ishaan pursued a masters degree at the University of Bocconi, in Italy, and prior to that, he studied Economics and Psychology at Ashoka University.
Listen in as he speaks about his sources of inspiration, what drew him to study Psychology & Economics together, and his advice to students

From our Founders Desk:

Finding the ‘Right Fit College - Arjun Seth

Over the years, as more students are looking to apply abroad, the dream of being able to attend high ranked colleges like Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Cambridge, Oxford has become a major part of young student’s lives in India. It is understandable that a student, exposed to popular media, dreams of sitting in dark red bricked walls of Harvard or studying in gothic halls of Cambridge. The yearn to find the best college to attend can also be understood by the fact that for many students, this is one of the first biggest decisions of their lives. There is, admittedly, some admirable quality in this ambition and I would be the first to acknowledge the powerful ambition that such students embody whenever they begin their application journey. Simultaneously, part of our culture’s way to quantify student’s success includes the kind of college a high school student can gain admission to. Often, the higher the rank of a college, the more “successful” a student is.

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye out on our for upcoming live events.
On Air with Edbrand: Arjun Seth, 1st December: 5:00-6:00pm IST- Theme: Plan your summer of 2023

Get in touch! Email us on or
WhatsaApp us at +91 9910722667

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