I think it is simpler and more intuitive. I also have found it to require fewer pre-swing and in-swing thoughts. My mind can also more easily sequence through the execution.
Basically the same as Lead Side with these exceptions:
Grip needs to be strong.
Posture needs to incorporate a neutral lower back. (See Core below)
Round thoracic spine (neutral). I have messed this up for years now. Which has occasionally caused a reverse pivot (See TPI below).
Strong grip
Tiger uses a stronger grip.
This feels more natural to me.
Trail hand
Imagine clock on buttof club.
First crease of middle finger needs to be at 10 o’clock.
Thumb at 11 o’clock.
Trigger finger is gapped. Similar to weak grip.
Crease points up forearm to trail shoulder.
Should be able to see finger nails on top of grip.
Lead hand
Fit in such that crease matches the trail hand crease.
Engage core.
I love the TPI notion of two power chords. One with a connector just below rib cage. One just an above the belt. Connect the chords and keep them connected throughout the swing.
When I use this technique, I don’t have to focus so much on losing my tush line towards the ball because a curved thoracic spine pushes and keeps my glutes back.
Chip - Pitch - Full swing
This will help teach the trail side hand to take over. And to take over properly.
Remember the Core. It will lock-in the ball impact point. Prevents heavy or thin shots.
Focus on keeping the club face as square to the target for as long as possible through the ball strike using the trail side hand.
Chip with no wrist hinge. All upper body turn. Play ball off of trail big toe with a very narrow stance. Feel club face square before, through and after impact.
Pitch with a bit of wrist hinge.
Full Swing includes wrist hinge. Need to learn to keep club face quiet through the wrist hinge. Should be able to hinge and un-hinge the trail hand to square face with no rotation!
If needed, to get a feel for this, simulate ball strike with club face square and hands forward. Take that position to arm parallel and swing. This is what contact should feel like.
Power comes from core and a wrist hinge.
On the backswing, it is critical that club face stay outside or ball side of the hands up to club parallel. No shallow takeaway here. At this point the club face should also stay closed such that its angle matches the spine angle.
Ball position:
Chip - trailing foot big toe.
Pitch - a bit more forward.
Full Swing - middle of stance
Driver - lead foot heel
Note: With the exception of the driver, I think of it as all are the same distance from lead side foot in a full-swing stance. Just the stance width changes between shots.