impact - Left Hand & Left Leg (Phase I)
Club parallel - Square to Square (Phase II)
Arm parallel - Lag & Axiom (Phase III & IV)
2 inches outside of hip neutral Weight slightly on the inside Weight centered, heels to toes. 80% of weight
100% weight - favoring heel.
100% weight - favoring heel.
100% weight - favoring heel.
2 inches outside of hip neutral Weight slightly on the inside Weight centered, heels to toes. Ankle slightly rolled toward the target
80% of weight favoring heel
Ankle slightly rolled toward the target
80% of weight favoring heel
Right heel off ground. Ankle slightly rolled toward the target
Straight (not locked)
Straight (not locked)
Straight (not locked)
Slightly bent towards target
Slightly bent towards target
Bent towards target
Create posture by swivel at the hips. {Slight hip bump towards the target} Joint neutral, glut rotated back {Post up}
Joint neutral, glut rotated back {Post up}
Joint neutral, glut rotated back {Post up}
Create posture by swivel at the hips. {Slight hip bump towards the target} Hips slightly open towards target
Glut rotated back
Hips slightly open towards target
Glut rotated back
Hips open towards target
{Slight spine angle, hip bump} No spine angle. Facing target
- Parallel to the target
Both parallel to target
Both parallel to target
Back is square to target, full turn.
Open, facing target
- Parallel to the target
{Pull with Lat sets the plane}
Down, below left shoulder
{Pull} Rotated slightly back
Parallel to target
Open, facing target
Ball position off of left cheek. Elbow bent and tucked in
Loose feeling
Flat towards target
Slightly cupped
Slightly cupped
Slightly cupped
Loose feeling
Almost touching left wrist.
Almost touching left wrist.
Square to target
Just past square to target
Toe up
Toe up
Just past toe up