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All real-life experience begins with a real human being synchronizing his or her life energy, i.e. e-motion with another one to identify what the other one is about. Here, I do this with Elon Musk based on his life beginning 1971, as covered in a , and in in Dubai. This has allowed me to identify his X-substance as 5Cw/3D. Along with the following video I exemplify what Applied Personal Science can reveal from Musk’s authentic account. With the catchphrase about the odds in the video we are now looking at, Musk spontaneously makes the point about how the world treats real humans’ substance. He then describes his attempt to overcome the world and where that leads him with his top-notch zeitgeist understanding of himself. Here I comment on this with the substantial APS way to help you understand what you have been prevented from organized science in this world. I suggest you watch the following for comparison with what I reveal with the relevant substantial APS-parameters, which do justice to what he calls “Absolute Motivation”:
Your mind can work similarly framing your experience in this world (here the video) with
your substantial inner understanding to make sense of it rather than
defaulting as a ‘human’, i.e. part of the problem, you have come here to become part of the solution, as Elon Musk tries to be:

uncollapse/collapse headings for details by pressing the arrow

1) Identifying the Substantial Motivation

referring to the beginning of above video from 0:00) Based on my X-substantially verified, personally relevant B4-relationship truth-oriented oegp-APS I-concepts, let us look at the well know ‘absolutely self-motivated life of Elon Musk in the context of the X=5Cw/3D APS-model of his life energy. Generally speak it allows one in one’s X-existence to T-direct its tension (thesis - impression) to A-force an issue, such as in anger (triggered by challenges-crisis - anti-thesis - such as popular norm) to deal gracefully (synthesis - reputation) with the usually unavoidable G-guilt in one’s e-motional XTAG-cycle:
Congruent with the APS-model (uncollapse topic 2 below), relevant for Elon Musk, he begins his T-focus with %6-projecting what he considers >6 very good, i.e. B5-lifefulfilling togetherness in humanity,
intellectually a F5-entrepreneurial people#1priest#0 Musk is Cw-working out the communication about how he will contribute to the 3D-infrastructure required for the desirable survival of humanity.
0:50) From this point on Musk shares his selfless T-focus of re-igniting the dream of space for humanity with a L1-loving engagement, with which he wishes all humans to enjoy each other; with his F1-innovative Om-objectives he c-profiling himself to multiply his vision to allow +2 unlimited growth beyond Earth.
1:30) S-Defocusing from his otherwise untamed A-anger (he fled South Africa to Canada to avoid conscription) about the confusing insubstantial world, without the outlet of a spacey dream, he conveys his H3-reality as an F5-entrepreneur ready to Pe-establish the required processes to overcome, what -4 inhibits keeping >4 peace. This precondition is required to be able to stop humanity’s people#1workind#1 to end in self-destruction already ongoing...

2) Modeling the options with the available Life-Energy

Any relevant OPTION I APS-model out of 288 possible open-ended generative principles (substantial ‘DNA’) expresses the parameterization of the X-relevant relationship truths; after the relevant X-identification, such substantial models are operationally made available, verified since 1980 world-wide; one can also do justice to you: In the
Model of the US-mentality 5Cw-1D (context for Musk’s work)
G-guilt stems from 5Pe-chaos (Civil ... Vietnam... Gulf Wars... Black B5-Lives matter)
In the model of Elon Musk 5Cw-3D (notice the similarity)
he is A-angry about 5Pe-chaos in humanity (cannibalizing Earth and humanity and escaping the consequences in his 7Bm-space imagined by his multiplied Boundary conditions)
Let’s do existential ‘archaeology’ rather than arguing about the history of human catastrophe like philosophy-psychology-criminology-sociology-politic in objective, dead-end retrospective ways. The time has come to rather become proactive at the level of the options Elon Musk has about giving meaning to his life-energies; in his video he still sounds immersed in the OPTION I %1/XA<>%5/TG US-mentality in which 1Bm/XTAG-Donald Trump is %5-manipulating the failed Demo-cratic %1-political correctness of favoring chaotic sheople over really B5-concerned people who want decent togetherness...
2:00) Elon Musk is §1-expresses his f-feeling about doing what is necessary despite and beyond fear, i.e. in spontaneously trying to prevent G-guilt as part of the problem of the widespread >3 dissatisfaction with anyone like him changing reality by Bm-multiplying his or her substantial boundary conditions beyond the insubstantially mainstream ?0 illusions.
2:10) Having wasted little time with social chat to convey how he has consciously become responsible to control his X-TAG-X... e-motional cycle gracefully, i.e. getting his X-potential restored beyond G-guilt to grow further through X-motivated O-orientation, rather than be M-manipulatively obsessed for mere worldly success, Elon Musk conveys how he X-fulfills his X-substance on the talk, as he does it at work. He walks his substantial talk about the 3D-daughter ‘womb’, i.e. the man-made, so far one-world-infrastructure for human beings born into mankind. He sees existing mankind as a one-world-species on the verge of self-destruction. With its intellectually framed 1D-infrastructure, the basis of which has collapsed into the Age of Disruption on Nov. 24, 2016, corresponding to the USA 1D-mentality, in which the Canadian 1S one is embedded in emotional cycles outside the one 3D(Musk) and I have available beginning at different energies; 3D(Musk) - 2S(Germany) - 2D (Isreal and myseld) - Mo(Switzerland CH) - 3D... to manifest our life-energies:

3) Pointing out Relevant Relationship Truths

I hope your mind has by now not also collapsed into disruption still tied to the fake news, spin and scam now ruling our age to still format people’s minds; with the wordy intellectual thinking catastrophes that have caused all the human catastrophes which prove Elon Musk’s point:
Be aware that is so and worse since scribes, from the Age of ‘Enlightenment’ via the ’humanities’, keep science and knowledge work on Earth out of solution orientation; untrustworthy for with it, nobody can understand anybody: Who can understand you with a quality close to what clarity APS allows (not with any now Chinese-communist led ‘all-knowing fantasy’ after the western failed intellectually agitating artificial, but with existential intelligence) here with any human system such as exemplified with Elon Musk’s way to deal with his life-energies?
2:25) In %6-projecting +2 more of the same, however, Musk’s values criticism, the typical 3D attitude, as gold he is demanding from everyone with it networking as a stupidity amplifier, with the approach that you might be wrong about the outer world. But I as well as the Israeli mentality X-begin this cycle 2D concerned with the inner world (where Musk has his A-anger), while the CH-Swiss mentality in which I live begins with the Mo-mentality (Musk’s G-guilt). Never mind the inner world’s relationship truths, Musk %6-projects that the outer human goals should be less wrong in his terms - which of course is an undue generalization, though very common for 3D. On the other hand, I with X=9Pp-2D, a 2D insist on being right or you get a stillbirth in bringing your inner into the outer world, while Musk ignores the OPTION II holding on to the dream to escape to another world after he successfully went to another culture in this world with his ?0-illusion about the inner world:

4) Assess where Walking the Talk leads to

2:53) So Elon Musk then talk about how his dream can come true given a 0.1% chance (SPACEX) for his mental checklist - anything else he sees as depressive even if he rather works constantly pushing himself super hard 3D-caring for the truth of things since he was a little kid, saying, crazy things can come true against all odds - there are lots of -4 terrible things in the world - life cannot just be solving one miserable problem after the other - we need things that inspire you to be part of humanity. With this zeitgeist approach of -4 ignoring 2D e-motional energy to reframe human attitudes substantially i.e. other than with dreaming, he is aiming for virtuality where anything goes.
In short, synergy is needed between APS’ substantial X-inner and Musk’s SPACEX outer space!
6:27) For Musk, Earth is the cradle of humanity to be extended into man-made managed space. In fact among others without his ignored 5Cw-substance and my 9Pp one, substance, none of us would exist! The zeitgeist suppresses both in organizes science. Musk wants to overcome this limiting OPTION I mental space with clean energy and rockets, my contribution since 1979 has been to fully research and model the inner space and the individual options.
For me, what he does, is necessary but just in itself, insufficient since it is based on the empty hope of ultimate M-manipulation and that has no substance and thus leads just to the scaled-up same old intellectual cognitive dissonance which limits anybody’s inner space in whatever outer space; to the same old self-destructive dynamic of ignorance.
7:00) The rest of Musk’s video stems from the one OPTION I world intellectual-esoteric zeitgeist used to sublimate OPTION II with its 1728 possible open-ended generative principles relevant to understand real human systems beyond the self-destructive wordy intellect as outlined above. Generalizing real life with the philosophical wordy concept “human” is what Musk’s 5Cw-3D being like all others try to get away from. But his talk conveys that his mint is entrapped by the wordy ‘humanities’ which makes him part of the mental holocaust with his 3D>%6 insubstantially projected madness to seek the truth in things as the only way forward, i.e. succumbing to the OPTION I thinking-catastrophe which has evoked all the known human catastrophes in any space so far and would go on in space, mars and beyond in a zero-sum substance disrupting game of business as usual, with clean energy even faster in vicious circles as a mere extended American Dream as the later was a progression of Old Europe’s imperial madness. And this is by no means against everyone’s advice - Musk’s people clap to updating OPTION I by pissing off from Earth shortly before they ruin it as Europeans did it to cannibalize America. And there, at the abyss, the elite mislead their sheople a step further, Musk on top. Since the Civil War people in the USA make each other mad and impotent to solve their inner problems, insisting it had to be done with the %1-politically correct American Dream, the intellectual artificial conviction by which humans caused it all by betraying the 16 inner states of OPTION II to fulfill one’s life’s X-substance, with the 8 dark-inner evil (insubstantial) voices of ways to disrupt any substance...

5) Conclusion for desirable implementation

10:00) ... Elon Musk concludes his video with the psycho-political ‘fact’ that even at the abyss, empty hopes make sheople believe in the next step as long as you can keep a smiling face of success. That advanced artificial intelligence hooks sheople, in Musk’s case to get you billions for extending life beyond Earth to cover-up Beelzebub’s intention to make people go beyond their created substance, i.e. opt for existential suicide! In Elon Musk’s case, this is doing things unlikely to succeed just to be the magician of the 21st century with just ?0-imagination as the limit! But in fact, this lures 3D-Musk into G-guilt which he calls spontaneously getting out there to create some magic, i.e. turning the left X.GAT.x way round way into a down winding, burnout spiral as depicted above in the way all seeming mighty ones finally fall. Therefor a full APS-parameter assessment was designed to reveal the thinking-catastrophes that needs to be overcome to not end as part of the problem which unresolved before the point of no M/O=STRESS<DEATH return, end in human catastrophes instead of leaving a legacy of part of the solution with life- through task-fulfillment...
Elon Musk: The same is available for any human system such as You
Assement 0=cognitive dissonance
B5 L1 H3 §1
1110 intellect does not justice to X-substance
social function
1111 he man people function for his projects
>1 3 3 1
1110 space does not resolve >3 dissatisfaction
X c S f
1111 makes him use his space to extend it
3D 2S 2D Mo
1111 he goes for ‘absolute motivation’
#10 10 11 11
1111 he has a high IQ
%6 +2 -4 ?0
1111 he has realized the world destructiveness
There are no rows in this table
US-Mentality: "State of the Union" June 2020
5Cw-1D Parameters
B5 L2 L3 H3
limiting, anything goes towards virtuality
5Cw 8Pw 8Ce 5Pe
social function
fascination based fragmented society
>1 1 6 3
high tech versus civil unrest and silent majority
X p M S
Constitution, resources, business, American dream
1D 3S 1D 3S
3S-business versus 1D-people / outcasts
#10 10 20 11
elite - sheople, still on top of the zeitgeist
%1 %5 %1 %5
polarization %1-democrats versus %5-Trump
There are no rows in this table
To understand all parameters is a matter of training on the job of cooperating in a project with synergy towards making a human system substantial, a LifeFulfilling Platform. That works beyond life energies left at the mercy of its enemy, the 8 ‘dark inner evil’ voices and/or the intellectual evolution and statistics in wordy psychology. In a collective human system (team, nation, culture), that requires responsible leaders with the inner strength, competence and power to walk their inner substantial talk such as Candace Owens below with the potential to become president of a desirable USA:

The world needs people considering conscience

Applied Personal Science allows to do justice to them; it is time those who still take responsibility for their conscience use their potential for synergy - instead of weapons, psycho-politics, fake news, spin, and scam, allow the made missing science about the real options for human systems and stand up for their OPTION II in the reality of life on this Earth, like Candace Owens: with 3Bm-Mo L2>2, she is. F3-drawing concrete limits to the Bm dividing lines multiplied, Mo-caring for L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence, herself qualifying to deal with what otherwise turns out beyond >2 bad - to another disruptive US %1<>%5 civil war:


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