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Course Policies

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Late Work & Extensions

Students may request a 24-hour extension on any major assignment or project, with or without providing a reason, by sending an email request at least 24 hours before the original deadline. I will always grant 1-day extensions that are requested correctly and with proper notice (unless otherwise stated in the assignment directions).
Students who need more than 24 extra hours to complete the assignment or who are requesting an extension less than 24 hours in advance will need to provide a reason. I will determine whether or not to grant these types of extensions on a case-by-case basis.
Minor assignments will not be accepted late. You cannot complete in-class assignments for credit unless you attend the class in which they were assigned. The only exceptions to this rule are instances in which you miss class for a university-excused absence.
Major assignments will incur a 10-point penalty for every day they are late without a previously arranged extension, except in the event of a verifiable emergency. I will determine what constitutes an emergency on a case-by-case basis. Some major assignments—such as the Final Portfolio—may not be accepted after the due date.

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