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Course Policies

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Georgia Tech and the University System of Georgia expect students to learn to communicate in “U.S. Academic English,” a fraught term that generally describes how people write and speak in English in academic spaces. Communicating in U.S. Academic English includes using correct grammar, punctuation, syntax, and diction. This course does not dedicate significant time to grammar instruction, as the university assumes that students admitted to Georgia Tech have mastered at least the basics of U.S. Academic English. I will occasionally offer a mini lesson on a particular grammatical rule or issue, but most grammar instruction will come from my feedback on your writing. If my feedback indicates that you have significant issues with your grammar, the Communication Center is an excellent resource for working with Peer and Professional Tutors on your writing, including but not limited to the conventions of U.S. Academic English. If you visit the Communication Center specifically to address issues with grammar or language fluency, it is a good idea to mention to the tutor that you would like to focus on this aspect of your writing.
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