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Academic Honesty

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Artificial Intelligence

Since the purpose of this class is to teach the composition process, students may not use any generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools to produce work that will be graded or otherwise assessed in this course, except in instances specified by your instructor. Examples of generative AI include ChatGPT and DALL-E 2. In this class, your writing and composing process (how you go about creating your work) is far more important than the product (the assignment you submit). AI can only produce products—it cannot teach you composition processes.
Unless otherwise specified for the context of a specific activity or assignment, the use of generative AI tools for graded or otherwise assessed work in this course will be considered a violation of the Academic Honor Code. Specifically, the use of generative AI when not expressly permitted constitutes plagiarism and false claims of performance. If we do use AI for any work in the course, information about how to use and cite specific tools for specific assignment components will be made clear.
In the event that your instructor allows the use of generative AI tools for a specific activity or assignment, these tools need to be used critically and according to academic and professional expectations.Thus, in instances in which your instructor allows generative AI tool use, you are expected to adhere to these principles:
Responsibility: You are responsible for the work you submit. In instances in which your instructor allows generative AI tool use, this means that any work you submit should be your own, with any AI assistance appropriately disclosed (see “Transparency” below) and any AI-generated content appropriately cited (see “Documentation” below). This also means you must ensure that any factual statements produced by a generative AI tool are true and that any references or citations produced by the AI tool are correct.
Transparency: Any generative AI tools you use in the work of the course should be clearly acknowledged as indicated by the instructor. This work includes not only when you use content directly produced by a generative AI tool but also when you use a generative AI tool in the process of composition (for example, for brainstorming, outlining, or translation purposes).
Documentation: You should cite any content generated by an AI tool as you would when quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing ideas, text, images, or other content made by other people.
Using generative AI tools at times not allowed by the instructor will be considered an infraction of the Georgia Tech Honor Code subject to investigation by the Office of Student Integrity. Likewise, using generative AI tools in the course without adhering to these principles will be considered an infraction of the Georgia Tech Honor Code subject to investigation by the Office of Student Integrity.
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